Home / Dermatitis / Causes, diagnosis, and treatment of dermatoses

Causes, diagnosis, and treatment of dermatoses

Dermatitis is a group of skin diseases caused by various reasons and with different clinical picture. The disease can appear at any age is influenced by both external and internal factors. At present, there are over 2,000 manifestations of dermatoses, including such serious diseases as psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, polymorphous dermatosis (Duhring's disease), cystic dermatosis. Extensive group of various dermatitis. The external factors causing the pathology are mechanical damage, the response to increased or decreased temperature, chemical and thermal burns.

The occurrence of the disease can also cause pathogens, insect bites and animals (the so-called dermatoses). Internal factors are endocrine disorders, prolonged infectious and inflammatory diseases, problems with the circulatory, digestive and nervous system. Skin rashes are treated with General and local products. Drugs with local effect (dermacool, biopin) are used to relieve irritation, itching, swelling. General therapy aimed at eliminating underlying disease which has the symptoms of dermatosis.

Fairly common congenital skin disease. Hereditary disease may be present already at birth and can occur some time, for example, allergic dermatosis. In addition, pruritic dermatitis frequently occur due to intrauterine intoxication. Most of these diseases, caused by intoxication, is successfully eliminated in the first week of life.

The causes of the disease

Most skin abnormalities arise from the disruption of the internal organs. The skin shows the consequences of improper metabolism, weakened immune system. Any of these violations may cause Allergy or bullous dermatitis (appearance of multiple bubbles). Neurological disorders and stress becomes a cause of such pathologies as itchy rashes, which include urticaria and atopic dermatitis. The initial manifestations of these pathologies is easy to eliminate diet and hormonal ointment dermatol.

Various skin diseases are commonly observed in patients with compromised hematopoietic system (lymphomas, leukemias). Chronic foci of infection such as caries teeth, sinusitis, cause itchy skin, for example urticaria and exudative erythema. Pathology can accompany the person all life, and can be temporary, for example, a dermatosis of pregnant women.


  • Pruritic dermatosis. This group includes the neurodermatitis, eczema, polymorphic dermatosis of pregnant women. The disease manifests itself on the skin, crusts, oozing,lehenetsia.
  • Cystic dermatitis (or bullous). This group includes infectious leather rashes (herpes, impetigo), autoimmune disease (Duhring dermatosis, acquired epidermolysis bullosa, vesicular dermatitis). Pathology is manifested by bubbles and vesicles.
  • Diseases caused by mental disorders. This includes dermatozoic delirium (form of psychosis in which the patient is sure that infested with parasites). Constant psychological stress often results in the appearance of skin lesions, the etiology of which is reminiscent of dermatoses.
  • Allergic rashes. These include contact dermatitis and drug reaction, dermatoses. The skin can be manifested by rashes of different nature: rash, redness, swelling, blisters.

What is the pathology (symptoms)

In different age periods skin disease have their own clinical features. In children the onset of the disease can be caused hereditary diseases and congenital defects. Amid these disturbances are often allergic dermatosis. In adolescence, there are acne on the face,

Occupational diseases

Professional dermatitis is a skin diseases associated with abnormal production. Occupational diseases must be distinguished from the physical blemishes resulting from work (scarring, calluses). Also not to be confused with skin diseases, exacerbated during work on the production under the influence of harmful substances, for example, atopic dermatitis. Professional dermatoses klassificeret according to the etiological principle.

Classification of occupational skin disease:

  • Pathology caused by chemical factors (acids, alkalis, lubricants, drugs, etc.). This group includes allergic dermatitis, drug reaction, contact dermatitis, various bullous dermatoses.
  • Disease of infectious etiology. For example, mycoses, dermatoses infectious gallbladder.
  • Disease, occur under the action of physical factors: thermal burns, current, radiation.
  • Professional dermatoses encountered in constant contact with dust, asbestos, fiberglass. For example, asbestos warts, allergic dermatosis.

Skin diseases of pregnant

Pregnant dermatoses include skin diseases associated with child bearing. Itching is observed in 2% of women in the 3 trimester of pregnancy. It is associated with an increased secretion of bile acids under the influence of progesterone and estrogen. Prurigo may occur at an earlier time. The clinical picture of this pathology is characterized by lesions with hemorrhagic crust, sometimes observed cystic dermatosis.

Shortly before delivery may developpolymorphic dermatosis of pregnant women. The appearance of a pathology associated with a sharp increase in weight of the expectant mother and fetus, the stretching of the skin. Observed the following clinical picture: the skin of the thighs and abdomen appear large blisters, accompanied by severe itching. Dermatosis of pregnant women, usually disappears few weeks after birth. For the treatment of skin rashes in pregnant women use topical preparations, relieving symptoms: dermatosen, creams with calamine.

Diagnostic measures

    • Treatment

      Therapy of skin diseases should be General and local. General treatment typically includes symptomatic, pathogenetic and etiologic treatment. First removing the cause of disease. For example, parasitic dermatoses require elimination from the body pathogens disease, paraneoplastic dermatoses (caused by tumors of internal organs) – removal of tumors.

      External products (ointments, sprays, lotions) primarily have a symptomatic effect: destroys anti-inflammatory, antipruritic. Viral dermatoses are treated with antimicrobials, the cystic dermatosis – soothing and anti-inflammatory ointments (dermacool).

      Well established methods such as nutritional therapy, physiotherapy, Spa treatment. The development of skin diseases is always accompanied by inflammatory processes. For their relief often use corticosteroids. These drugs cause accelerated regeneration of skin, removing inflammation, recovery and purification of the skin. Hormonal drugs prescribed for this diagnosis as pleomorphic dermatitis and many other skin diseases, including cystic dermatosis. Drugs prescribed by a doctor, taking into consideration the specifics and stage of the disease, gender and age of the patient, the presence of other pathologies.

      The appearance of certain skin abnormalities are not caused by physical and psychosomatic causes. The most well-known disease in this group is dermatozoic nonsense. In this disease the patient first needs the help of a psychiatrist or psychologist. To relieve skin rashes in this case, it is recommended to use external funds without hormones and fluorine, for example, dermatol.

      Dermatosis in children

      In childhood very often have allergic dermatitis. This is to feed your baby artificial mixtures, the environment, the use of clothing made of synthetic materials and many other factors. If time does not take measures to treatment, the skin may go into severe or chronic.

      The treatment of a child in the first place begins with examination by a doctor, and taking the required tests. After thatthe specialist determines the cause of the disease and assigns the appropriate treatment.

      You also need to observe proper diet and to avoid eating chocolate, citrus, nuts, honey, cocoa and other hypoallergenic products.

      Herbal medicine

      Medical therapy of skin diseases can be supplemented by a treatment of folk remedies. Bullous dermatosis and other skin rashes can be treated with herbal remedies, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and reparative action. The composition of these fees is usually included knotweed, tricolor violet, oats, juniper, series, agrimony. Dermatoses removed juice of fresh parsley, a strong decoction of mint, a compress of grated raw potatoes.

      A skin disease, for example, paraneoplastic dermatoses caused by tumors, is accompanied by a weakening of the immune system. In these cases, appointed Eleutherococcus, aralia, levzei. To remove the intoxication is recommended to use tools such as silibor on the basis of milk Thistle, konvalin of Lily of the valley. To relieve external symptoms – propolis ointment, dermatol.


      Cystic dermatosis with a local rash, watered with the decoction of belladonna and of the celandine. Parasitic dermatitis treated with lotion from essential oils (lavender, sandalwood, rosemary and cloves in equal parts). Helps with mustard oil mixed with garlic. 0.5 liter of mustard oil mixed with 100 grams of grated garlic, cook for about 20 minutes. The resulting mixture is filtered to use in the form of compresses on the affected area.