Home / Other diseases / Frostbite: first aid for different stages

Frostbite: first aid for different stages

Frostbite – damage to body part, until the necrotic condition, which is caused by exposure to low temperatures. To begin the process of frostbite sufficient temperature from 10-20 C below zero.

Обморожение: первая помощь при разных стадияхNow consider the options to help with frostbite of varying degrees.

When talking about the first stage, all the chilled areas of the body should be rubbed with hands to redness, this will show that the tissues recovered again normal blood supply. RUB and woolen cloth, hot breath, the main thing is to restore and increase blood flow to the cooled tissue.


II-IV degree no rubbing and massage should not be carried out. It is important just to impose on the damaged area of the insulating bandage. It can be done as follows:

  • Gauze.
  • Wool a thick layer.
  • Gauze.
  • All served on top of oilcloth.

Important! As insulator can be used whatever is at hand, most importantly to retain heat in the damaged tissues.

Next, you need to start to give the person something warm to drink, be sure to hot liquid food. A little alcohol to disperse the blood. In addition, we will have to give pills. It is recommended to give the patient one tablet of analginum and aspirin and two tablets of no-Spa and papaverine.

It is strictly forbidden to carry out rubbing with snow. The fact that frostbite blood vessels in the limbs become very fragile when crushed they are easy to damage and drop

In mild frostbite, the damaged areas can be warmed in a bath of warm water. The water temperature should be at 24 C, which is gradually increased to 36, that is, until a normal body temperature.

There are cases when severe frostbite occurs respiratory failure, then the patient must immediately be taken to the hospital.

Help with iron frostbite

In addition to frostbite, there is a variant in which the warm skin, touching the cold metal, immediately stick to the cold surface. Damage from such freezing is not essential, but require timely treatment with hydrogen peroxide and bandaging.
