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Abscess, what is it? Pictures, treatment, symptoms

An abscess is a suppuration. The most simple and comprehensive answer to the question about the essence of the problem. The basis to be the accumulation and localization in a certain place of dead leukocytes, which are the real pus.

Accumulation is a consequence of a bacterial infection that enters the body and is attacked by a protective mechanism or, more simply, the white blood cells. The white blood cells are killed along with the bacteria, after its destruction, and eventually produces pus.

Important! In principle, the abscess can be the consequence of not only bacterial infection, but common getting under the skin of dirt or any foreign body. Precipitating factor in this case will act as a weak immune system and sensitive skin.

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms of an abscess are dependent on the location of the abscesses. Consider the main symptoms of this disease from the point of view of its location by the authorities.

Abscess of the lung. This type of abscess occurs when complications caused by pneumonia or by ingestion of bacterial infection via the upper respiratory tract. Symptoms include the following:

  • Cough with mucus.
  • Sputum may be with blood.
  • Body temperature rises.
  • The patient begins to get tired much.
  • Lost appetite.
  • Increases sweating.

Peritonsillar abscess – these abscesses are usually formed

Treatment abscess

Treatment, as well as the symptoms always depend on the location of the abscesses and which organ it affects.

In the treatment of lung abscess, it is important to begin the process as early as possible, plus always in need of hospitalization. Treatment involved antibiotics penicillin group. They put the patient intramuscularly. If there are individual intolerance, allergic to penicillin, replace it with sulfa drugs.

In addition, in the treatment of lung abscess are assigned to a specially designed breathing exercises and gymnastics. If medication is ineffective, are assigned a drainage tube through which pus comes out, and if serious complications and surgery.

Peritonsillar abscess is treated by antibiotics in the first week. Then, if no apparent improvement, is assigned to the operation, the abscess is opened and removed. After removal of sepsis, the patient is prescribed a course of antibiotics, but now broad-spectrum. To avoid relapse, is assigned to rinse the mouth with anti-inflammatory drugs sense.

Important! Many doctors suggest surgery for removal of peritonsillar abscess, as it mightthe danger, as an option for the occurrence of meningitis. In addition, despite the lack of clear guidance, the abscess of this type also involves the hospitalization of the patient.

Abscess of the liver. Here the treatment involves two options:

  1. An antibiotic is prescribed. The doctor monitors changes in the condition of the liver. During the course of antibiotics the patient is on continuous bacterial control.
  2. Complete removal of suppuration only occurs when surgical intervention.

The complicated treatment is expected in abscess of the brain. This will require neurosurgical intervention, in conjunction with which there is a strong treatment with antibiotics or sulfa drugs, in the event the individual characteristics of the patient.