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Abscess of the throat: the main symptoms and treatment

A throat abscess is considered an inflammatory process which is characterized by a purulent complication in the area of lymph nodes. In addition, inflammation affects the retropharyngeal region, and occasionally peritonsillar and peripharyngeal.

Reasons that contribute to the development of an abscess, there may be pharyngitis, trauma to the throat and in particular of the mucous membrane, purulent type of otitis media, but mostly is diagnosed abscess, as a consequence tonsillitis.

In principle, the term abscess of the throat, is a collective concept that brings together the value of several diseases directly associated with the region of the throat:

  • Abscess peripharyngeal region;
  • Abscess retropharyngeal region;
  • Abscess of the tonsils, which is defined as peritonsillar.

The origin of the disease

Speaking about the origin of abscess of the throat in the first place should pay attention to the fact that the causative agent of the most common are the streptococci and the background temperature the patient feels a sharp pain in the throat, which increases during ingestion and tends to continuously increase as the duration of the process of development of the abscess.

In the case of unilateral pain syndrome we can talk about the defeat of only one tonsil.

When the abscess is of sufficiently large size, the process of swallowing becomes impossible. The patient has constant accumulation of saliva in the mouth and strongly expressed, bad breath.

In addition, the moment of greatest development of an abscess can be difficult to breath, as it overlaps the access of oxygen to the retropharyngeal space. Along with this often diagnosed the emergence of severe headaches, there is a General muscular weakness. Often gives way to weakness and pain in the muscles.

External signs manifested in the following:

  • Erythematous skin on the sides of the lesion;
  • The area on the neck are swollen, and this can be seen by the naked eye;
  • The temperature in the region of the lesions clearly higher than in the rest of the body.

Palpation allows you to identify the seal skin, and a pronounced soreness and swelling of the lymph nodes. You should also note the characteristic tilt of the head to the affected area of the throat.

Diagnosis of disease

Diagnosis involves several methods of identifying an abscess of the throat:

  • Pharyngoscopy, determines the edematous infiltration;
  • Laboratory tests revealleukocytosis;
  • Puncture allows to define the attitude to antibiotics.

On the basis of an accurate diagnosis, subsequently, are prescribed medicinal drugs.

The treatment of the disease

First note that regardless of the location of the purulent inflammation, the patient should be immediately hospitalized.

Using the method of laryngoscopy, the doctor will determine how free the respiratory path, and only then we can talk about surgical intervention.

Basically, treatment of abscess of the throat is the method of aspiration of purulent accumulation in the abscess. It uses a special needle and syringe. The abscess opened and drained at the same time, all the pus is removed.

Once the surgery is complete, the patient begins taking antibiotics, this is fundamental in the treatment of abscess. Basically, the treatment involved broad spectrum antibiotics, such as levofloxacin, ceftazidime, pefloxacin. It should be noted that antibiotics can be taken in the prescribed manner, but for children developed a special system of reception.

As the purulent inflammation can lead to intoxication, along with antibiotics, your doctor may prescribe detoxification drugs, such as, for example, Reamberin, and some antihistamines.

In the period of treatment required by the condition is three times rinsing the mouth and throat. For this you can use a solution of soda and iodine. Perfect furatsilin and some other antiseptics. Be sure to consume a lot water.

If a timely diagnosis of an abscess of the throat, and begin treatment, the period of drug exposure is 10-14 days. Then we can talk about full recovery.