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Allergic cough - what to do and take for cough from allergies

Often people just underestimate the danger of suddenly emerged out of nowhere coughing, sneezing or runny nose. Of course, a quite accept the idea that this cough for allergies, but most often these symptoms are attributed to colds and viruses, especially if on the street rainy weather. It is no secret that many people have the habit to self-medicate. And when they start to treat the common cold, allergies continues to grow rapidly.

In any case it is impossible to underestimate the allergen that caused the cough. Such a dismissive attitude is very dangerous for health. Therefore, when the first signs of allergic cough should immediately attempt to identify the source and eliminate it.

Allergy — what is it?

Full understanding of the meaning of the term Allergy is not among the diseases of the body, although it is them. Allergy is a reaction of the human organism to specific substances called allergens. To allergens include dust, pollen, flowering plants, wool (secrete of the cat, as the sebaceous glands of this animal are subject to certain limitations).

But everyone can be their own individual allergen that can take any shape and form. Here's an example: some children are very sensitive to sugar and honey, some adults have individual intolerance to spices. If the patient is a well-known causative agent of Allergy is to a great extent facilitates further treatment. But very often it also happens that the patient is not aware of the reason causing Allergy symptoms and extra reactions: edema, urticaria. This is possible with self-medication or the use of untested folk remedies. Some allergens are hidden in cosmetic products. It could be hair spray, loose powder, perfume, dry eye shadow, deodorants. All of these products contain the allergens that can trigger coughing. Especially difficult for those who are trying to find a way, the Larynx of a child differs from the adult, a fact that complicates the course of Allergy that needs to be cured. The risk of oedema and development of stenosis in children is several times higher than in adults.

If it is Allergy in babies and the child often suffers from edema, coughing and sneezing, should be in the medicine Cabinet to keep drugs from bouts of stenosis, for example, Prednisone. When the child is clearly coughed and could not breathe normally, you should try to calm a coughing fit. To humidify the air, move the baby into the bathroom and let the steam is slightly often helps to calm the cough.

But if the child is choking, you need to urgently call the team "ambulance" and try to be in touch with her until the medics will arrive on call. Usually it happens when sudden allergic reactions:food allergen, chemical substance. The accuracy and composure of adults depends on the child's life.

Untreated allergic cough in children often causes of bronchospasm and asthma. Therefore, it is important to seize the opportunity and time to take your child to the experts.

Allergic cough is the most prominent symptom is any Allergy. His character allows to detect the disease. But this is possible only in the case when people closely and carefully about their health and the health of their children.