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Angina: symptoms and treatment

лечение ангины: полоскание и спреиDefinitely need to start the procedure constant gargling. On average it is recommended that at least one rinsing for hours. As a solution you can use a solution of chamomile, calendula, baking soda.

Great tool for rinsing is recognized as propolis, which is mixed in water in a ratio of 5 drops to 150 MLM. warm water. Thus, it is possible to alternate solutions to prevent the germs to get used to one tool.

Along with a mouthwash will need to be liberally and often to drink and best of all, to the diet was alkaline mineral water. In General, a large fluid intake always promotes the accelerated washout of microbes from the body.

Important! It is not necessary to lean on a lemon or to do warming compresses, these remedies for sore throat will not work, because the citrus is irritating, and the heat increases the blood flow to the tonsils, followed by blood infection is further spread throughout the body.

As for medication, it is prescribed by a doctor and based on the severity of the angina, can be written:

  • Antibiotics in the form of aerosols.
  • The sulfonamides.
  • In the case of serious complications can be used intramuscular injection.
  • Vitamins.
  • In addition, during treatment, exclude the cold water or hot tea, solutions, liquid should be just warm. And, despite the lack of appetite, the patient should eat broths to maintain the body's desired level of useful components.

For the prevention of angina proposes a simple program of General lifting of immunity, in which special attention is given to sports, gymnastics, hardening. You can gradually start doing sponging with cold water, turning to a full dousing and thus Sakaliba the body improve its resistance to infectious diseases, including the flu.

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