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Sneezing and itchy nose

Allergic rhinitis, namely, it leads to the fact that we are in constant itching and sneezing in the nose, refers to the category of Allerзуд в носуpsychological inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose. As a result of an Allergy in the nose there is a coryza and sneezing with swelling plus itching.

Most often allergic rhinitis is diagnosed in children, less often in adolescents and young adults. Rhinitis can be divided into two types:

  • Seasonally, they also include hay fever and pollen allergies during the periods of flowering.
  • Year-round rhinitis. The reaction here takes place on household chemicals, home dust, animal dander.

Allergic rhinitis, and therefore itching sneezing nose as a result of penetration of allergen in the nose and falling, settling on the nasal passages and eyes.

Status in allergic rhinitis

Let's start with seasonal rhinitis. His symptoms were manifested only in the period of exacerbation, that is, in a certain period of the year. The basis of the manifestations:

  • Itching.
  • Redness of the eyes.
  • Tearing, quite abundant.
  • Itchy nose, throat, hard palate.
  • Copious sneezing.
  • Profuse discharge from the nose.
  • Nasal congestion.

All these symptoms can lead to the fact that the patient becomes nervous, irritable, headaches, disturbed sleep. The high fatigue and depression.

As for the symptoms of rhinitis all year round, they are not so pronounced, however, are observed constantly, which leads the patient sometimes severe psychological problems.


To determine the exact problem it is necessary to pass Tomov, that is, they stop itching and sneezing nose, watery eyes.

Effective enough method of treatment acts as a specific immunotherapy with allergens. The process is as follows:

  • First, under the patient's skin introduced more and more concentrated solutions of the allergen.
  • The injection process continues for several weeks.
  • At this time, the body getting in addition, there are a number of mandatory recommendations that help prevent the seasonal exacerbation of rhinitis associated with pollen:

    • To the extent possible it is necessary to restrict field trips, walks in the parks and green areas.
    • Doors and Windows in the apartment and the office should be kept closed. For normal air is enough.
    • Ventilate the area recommended in the evenings. Especially good if before that, it was raining and the pollen is nailed to the ground. In addition, ventilate the room when there is no wind. On the window hung gauze, folded in several layers and moistened with water. This simple method of filtering not allow pollen to penetrate theof the room.
    • The highest concentration of pollen is observed in the morning and on hot days, so during this time it is best to limit the exits to the street.
    • After visiting the street, it is recommended to change clothes, which may be pollen.
    • Shower during the flowering plants need to receive at least two times a day. Particular attention is paid to the washing of the hair, which remains the most pollen.
    • The Windows in the car must be close, especially if the itinerary goes outside the city.