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Hemorrhagic fever: symptoms, treatment

Hemorrhagic fever refers to a group of acute viral diseases, which are always of high temperature in the course of the disease. In addition, diagnostics of processes leading to the change in the structure of blood system, blood vessels, causing the risk of blood clots.

Causes of hemorrhagic fever

As a rule, the basis for the emergence of hemorrhagic fevers are viruses showing high location for implementation in the lining of blood vessels.

Important! The main carriers of the diseases recognized by animals in their bodies the virus at first develop, and then can be transmitted to man

From the point of view of transmission note:

  • Infection is by contact with arthropods carriers of parasites.
  • The transmission can be alimentary.
  • Infection occurs by inhalation of dust.
  • To bring

    Unfortunately, man is still quite susceptible to this disease. As a rule, often catch a fever workers of livestock farms or those who are in contact to work on the debt with the representatives of the animal world in the wild.

    In addition, we note more people, often in contact with the waste in the production of household chemicals, the homeless, and those who were bitten by rodents, is also a kind of risk.

    The disease is characterized by the following changes:

    1. The virus, as well as derivatives of his life can easily damage the vascular walls.
    2. There are various inflammatory processes that formed the DIC (in the same vessels, there is an instant blood clotting and parallel bleeding due to poor clotting in other blood vessels).

    In the tissues when it starts to feel a complete lack of oxygen, almost immediately comes the violation of the brain. Process affect the lungs and heart, kidneys and liver, gradually in the process of damage includes all the internal organs.

    Because of the numerous vascular damage and subsequent bleeding, the person begins to experience blood loss.

    It should be noted that the severity of hemorrhagic fever always significantly affected by the level and immune status.

    Symptoms of hemorrhagic fever

    All types of diseases are the same stages that reflect the characteristics of the pathogenesis of the inflammatory process. Hemorrhagic fever always occur with the incubation period lasting from 1 to 3 weeks.

    The first phase of illness lasts 2-7 days and is symptoms of kapilliarotoxicos and

    All people which suspected the disease to be treated in a special infectious diseases unit medicalcompanies.

    Parenteral nutrition is necessary during the acute stage of the disease, in the healing process of the patient shown diet with dairy and vegetable products enriched with vitamins. Doctors prescribe vitamin K, S.

    Also use glucose, antihistamines, iron supplements intravenously. In the stage of fever effectively a blood transfusion.

    In Boxing should be only in bed to eliminate clinical manifestations of the disease. After the man was discharged from hospital, it needs a long time to be observed by a therapist and an infectious disease.