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Worms in humans: symptoms, treatment, photos

Worms in medicine are the term helminths are worms of the simplest type and can easily adapt to a parasitic lifestyle in the human body. In humans, the worms lead to the bot, which we'll discuss in the article.

Interestingly, worms have at least half of the planet's inhabitants, the prevalence of helminth infections in this respect are striking just. The worms themselves are quite a diverse group of protozoa.

The kinds of worms

Starting to consider the classification of the worms is enough just to determine that they are represented by three types:

  1. Roundworms.
  2. Tapeworms.
  3. The flukes.

The first type, round parasites are roundworm, pinworm, krivodanovka, E. oyster, Trichinella. Each of the types of worms responsible for the excitation in the body of the carrier of a certain disease.

The second type is tapeworms, as represented in sufficient variety. Note: Bovine tapeworm, Cysticerci, of the Pork tapeworm, Echinococcus,

The flukes are cat worms and liver Fluke.

How is the infection

There are several ways worms:

  • Contact. The infection occurs through contact of man with man. It is easier to become infected through contact of damaged skin.
  • The second method of infection is through food and water. Here in the body penetrate the larvae of the worm live in the ground.
  • Worm and is transmitted through the meat of the animal. For example, large and medium livestock.
  • And the last option is infection through the river and lake fish, if it is poorly roasted or brewed.

Important! It should be noted that the type of localization of the worms are separated into intestinal and extraintestinal. However, the localization concern only adults, and helminth eggs can be detected anywhere on the body.

The most unpleasant are considered parasites worms, which lay in the body of the carrier of the eggs. The larvae, hatched from eggs can travel throughout the human body, and everywhere leaving traces of their stay.

Symptoms of infection with worms

The basis of any manifestations of infection with worms is the effect that the larva of the parasite on the host body. As a larva, a worm travels through many organs and tissues of the human body. It is the larva leaves the most visible marks in the human body.

Therefore, the symptomatology depends not only on the type of parasite and the stage of development of the parasite in the body of the carrier. With regard to the course of any disease caused by parasites, it is possible to distinguish between acute and chronic stages.

The acute phase starts with the penetration of the parasite into the human body. On average, the acute phase lasts up to 20 days. However, when complications, itcan last for several months.

During the acute stage the patient has symptoms of infection with worms:

  • Dry, tearing cough, which is not the cause of catarrhal disease.
  • Rash.

    To symptoms General comment can be attributed to the time of violation of the intestinal microflora. Some parasites such as ascarids, are able to exert inhibitory effect on the enzymes responsible for the digestion of food in the human stomach. As a result, the person may be cold and broken, to decrease the immune system.

    Common manifestations of the acute phase include:

    • Fever, temperature increase and the apparent increase in lymph nodes.
    • Can be swelling, inflammation of internal organs.
    • There is pain in muscles and joints.
    • Cough can be of any types, up to pneumonic.
    • Abdominal pain accompanied by disturbance in defecation.
    • Problems with the Central nervous system, severe headaches, sometimes dizziness.

    Important! There are specific signs that are already separately under each type of parasite.

    In chronic helminthiasis symptoms are either minor, or do not appear. Sometimes sign of the presence of worms may be only minor itching in the anus, which appears in the night hours.


    Before starting therapy it is necessary to accurately identify the parasite and determine its type and category. On the basis of diagnosis and is assigned a comprehensive treatment.

    In the acute form prescribed anti-Allergy drugs of the action, which work compatible with the mass directly against the parasites themselves.

    You can define some drugs, depending on the type of parasite:

    • When Ascaris is used medication containing mebendazole.
    • When strongyloidiasis effective is the Levamisole.
    • If diagnosed nematodes, round parasites, that is used against them Beenie hydroxynaphthoate.

    After completing the course of treatment will need to devote time to restoring immunity in General and the functions of individual organs that were destroyed by parasites.