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Glossitis: treatment, symptoms, photos

Inflammation of the tongue – glossitis, can be the consequence of many factors. Here you will find injury and pathogenic microorganisms. The term glossitis is possible to designate a change in the surface of language, which occur under the influence of lack of vitamins, anemia, acute infections, some types of dermatosis, and abnormal structure of the language.

How is glossitis

If we talk about the causes of the disease, it is possible to offer some basic directions.

In the first place are local infection. It is the propriety of an infectious disease often glossitis can be caused by viruses and bacteria. By the way, often there is the action of herpes.

Specify some risk factors that contribute to the development of local infection and type of glossitis:

    • Hairy black tongue. Filiform papillae grow and rogaway. And the reason for such proliferation the doctors still can't explain.
    • Gontarovsky glossitis. Acts symptom is often a burning sensation of the tongue, which is especially enhanced at the tip. This kind of glossitis may act as a precursor or early symptom of beginning malignant anemia.
    • Interstitial glossitis refers to a particular form of syphilitic lesions of the tongue. The language is almost completely loses its mobility, seriously compacted.

    With regard to General symptoms that fit almost any kind of case, this change in color and the structure of the fabric of a language, a visual increase in size, difficulty in chewing food and in speech.

    Treatment of inflammation of the tongue

    The first step in the treatment of glossitis it is necessary to determine and eliminate the source of infection, without this step, treatment is not possible.

    As the first wave of drugs can be offered anti-inflammatories and antibiotics. Most of the symptoms of the disease can be eliminated by using prednisoen.

    Important! The above drugs are used only under the supervision of a physician, as they have many side-effects and make them your own, not recommended.

    In General treatment is possible in the following way:

    • Disinfection of the damaged surface of the tongue. This is gargle with antiseptic solutions, which can be furatsilina, potassium, chlorhexidine.
    • To reduce pain syndrome and prescribed painkillers and anesthetic.
    • To accelerate the regeneration of damaged tissue is used topical treatment with ointments and oils with beta-carotene.

    To exclude recurrence of inflammation during the treatment of the diet excludes spicy and hot food. If the language already has ulcers and erosion, it is necessary allnecrotic plaque to remove. And if there is already hyperkeratosis, dead skin of the tongue is surgically removed.

    If correct and timely approach and early treatment the prognosis of glossitis is always positive. Treatment of catarrhal, uncomplicated case can take several days, purulent glossitis this time increases, as a radical opening festering plots.