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Rubella symptoms and origin

Rubella is the disease acute, infectious nature, whose characteristic feature is as swollen lymph nodes, and skin rashes. It all may resemble measles, but runs with less severe intoxication and not long periods of fever with the temperature.

Rubella, despite a high rate of infectivity, a long time was not taken seriously by doctors, and only in the middle of the last century the discovery was made that changed the dismissive attitude to this disease.

It turned out that women who were carrying the disease in the early stages of pregnancy, the disease time to sting the fruit, resulting in a child born with cataracts or other diseases of the vision.

It should be noted that rubella is marked worldwide, the virus for a long period of time is allocated and to get it very easily. It happens that the disease is generally asymptomatic, as a result, people unaware, continues as a carrier to spread the disease.

Usually rubella manages to recover most people in childhood, and the greatest danger, as we have already mentioned, the disease poses to women during pregnancy if they have not had chicken pox.

Today there is a vaccine against rubella, which allows to significantly reduce the number of infections.

The reasons for the outbreak of the disease

Pathogen rubella virus is a Rubivirus. When outside the human virus dies pretty quickly. For example, at room temperature, the virus can not withstand a few hours. At high temperature, for example, in the case of boiling, the virus dies within several minutes. However, at low temperature the virus is ready to keep their properties for several years.

Interestingly, rubella does not respond to antibiotics, and the virus lives in addition to human, rabbit, and macaque.

The source of infection is always sick person, and the virus is excreted in the sputum and mucus from the nasopharynx. The incubation period lasts 1-2 weeks, and after the rash starts. The isolation of the virus, that person is no longer contagious, occurs approximately 20 days after the appearance of the first lesions.

If we are talking about chronic, degenerative form of rubella, the period of infectiousness of the carrier can last for years, and the virus is not only with phlegm and mucus, but also with faeces and urine.

Specify that in addition to the airborne way of infection, rubella can be transmitted when the contacts at the household level and vertically, from mother to child during childbirth.

The important thing is that after the transfer of rubella in humans formed lifelong immunity.


In the first place as soon As the rash disappears, it is possible to diagnose the beginning of the healing process, the patientsteadily on the mend. When rashes in rare cases the patient complains of is not severe abdominal pain and diarrhea. However, the clinical manifestations of rubella precisely these symptoms can not be attributed.

Rarely, but there are cases when the disease is completely without skin rashes. In this case the main indicator is the swollen lymph nodes in the neck and at the nape.

You must know that among the major complications that are a consequence of the long oppression of rubella immune system, most commonly ear infections, tonsillitis, bronchitis and pneumonia.

Sometimes you can find and neurology in the form of encephalitis, and in this case rubella in 30% of cases actually lethal!