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Rubella: symptoms in children and adults, treatment

General intoxication, expressed as a syndrome and the appearance of the skin many rashes in the form of small spots, called rubella. When rubella can be observed an increase in the amount of several lymph nodes. The causative agent is a special type of virus that belongs to the category of RNA.

The rubella virus has a good resistance to life outside the human body, and can exist for several hours at ordinary temperature, and somewhat longer period in the cold. It is worth noting that in this case it dies at the slightest UV exposure, or contact with a simple means of disinfection. In principle, for adults, rubella is practically no danger, the main destructive property of the virus rubella affects fetus during pregnancy, and during this period, children in the womb there may be complications in development.

How is rubella

Transmission of rubella virus from human to human is through the air, a current, in the case of the pregnant mother and fetus, transplacental.

People for rubella is the only source for life and a carrier. In this case, the virus is quite contagious, and the media always represents a certain danger to others. The person is contagious during the week before the rash and weeks with a rash, the rest of the time, the rubella virus cannot be transferred to another person.

In addition, there is another way of infection is when a pregnant woman is sick with rubella and passes rubella to your fetus. The penetration of the virus into the bloodstream of the fetus can lead to the formation of various pathologies, change of appearance and structure, to chronic and congenital rubella. It is important to note that if the infection happened in the first three months after conception children dramatically increases the likelihood of miscarriage or spontaneous abortion.

You can also add that the virus is very easily affects an individual due to the high susceptibility of the human body to rubella. The greatest danger it poses to boys at an early age, as it can cause the development of orchitis, and his background is able to develop infertility.

The symptoms of rubella

If rubella strikes the body of children, the disease is quiet, and almost without striking signs and symptoms of intoxication of the whole organism which is always present in the virus. There are no complications, moreover, that boys, as mentioned above, there is the chance of developing orchitis.

A different picture occurs if measles strikes adults. And here expressed symptoms andcomplications can take place in much larger quantities. The basis of symptoms rubella high temperature and possible loss of some internal organs.

The development of the rubella virus can be defined in several ways:

  • To 25 days is the incubation period of rubella;
  • Catarrhal period may continue for 72 hours;
  • The highest activity of rubella virus;
  • The reduction in disease activity;

In children catarrhal period activity rubella may not be submitted to any manifestation, but in adults may be the following manifestations:

  • A sharp increase in temperature;
  • General weakness, frequent headache;
  • Pain in joints and muscles;
  • Loss of appetite;
  • The lymph nodes in the neck area can begin to grow and arrive at this condition up to 20 days;
  • Catarrhal phenomena, such as cough with mucus, sore throat.

And then starts the active phase of the spread of rubella virus in the body. It was then that the measles appears on the skin in the form of akzente. There are no time phases for the onset of the rash. The rash presents with spots of small size, pink or red. In children the rash may unite in one merger, and in adults this process almost never occurs.

Most often, the rash of rubella is localized on the face, neck, back, buttocks. On the palms and soles rubella, and in particular the rash never appears. There are cases of localization of the rash on the oral mucosa. When rubella virus the rash does not stay a long period on the skin and begins to disappear on the 5th day after the appearance. After the rash on the skin remains pigmented spots.

Difference symptoms the child and the adult

Basically, rubella is almost identical occurs in adults and children, but there are a few differences that are worth mentioning separately. Moreover, it concerns the problems of an adult, who:

  • In catarrhal period all the symptoms are manifested much more clearly than in children. Cough, mucus, all this is typical for the disease in an adult;
  • Rubella flows generally significantly more difficult and hard;
  • Rash may be present on the skin over a long period;
  • While the disease occurs gradual development in the body of the patient lymphadenopathy.

In an adult patient during complications caused by the rubella virus, may in the second round to a fever, and may manifest a variety ofsymptoms.

Complications during viral infection

Any complication of the virus can be a consequence of the disease, and simple non-compliance with the regulations for treatment provided by the doctor. The main types of complications include:

  • The development of sinusitis, such As the universal treatment of a measles virus still in medicine. If rubella is without complications, the patient hospitalization. In-patient treatment act, only children under one year of age, and patients in whom a serious complication in an attack of rubella.

    Treatment of rubella is represented by the suppression of the main symptoms. For example, in order to reduce the fever is prescribed an antipyretic, and if severe catarrhal form – a means to enhance expectoration and discharge of mucus from the respiratory tract.

    In any case, how to treat rubella — always strictly prescribed by the physician depending on the patient's condition and the overall clinical picture of the development of the virus.