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Otitis media: symptoms and treatment at home

Inflammation of the middle ear in humans is called otitis media. The middle ear is a small cavity in which is located the bone tissue. Here the sound is transmitted and transformed into nerve impulses to send to brain. It otitis media is the main cause partial or complete hearing loss in humans.

Otitis may be due to respiratory disease, such as Symptoms of otitis media are quite specific, and begin with, that is felt in the ear shooting pain that occurs periodically. In addition, there is the appearance of symptoms such as the formation and secretion of pus, the patient body temperature rises. As soon as the pus, the health of the patient improves, the temperature falls down, the pain disappears. This is due to the fact that breaks through the eardrum, and pus no longer accumulates in the middle ear.

It can be noted that the time of outflow of pus, a kind of positive signal in the course of the disease, because the membrane then easily heal. It is important to note that the hearing is not lost completely.

In factor complications can happen otherwise, in this case the pus comes out from the ear, and begins to accumulate and gradually penetrates into the cranial cavity. As a result, may begin the infection, and this meningitis and abscess. That is why, at the first signs of otitis media should immediately consult a doctor and not wait for complications in the spread of pus.

The treatment of the disease

Immediately, we emphasize that otitis does not apply to diseases which can pass by themselves. Therefore, it is essential to consult a doctor as soon as the first symptoms appear to define what you want struck and prescribed treatment. In any case, even with a great love for the popular media, it is necessary the use of medications and conservative type.

Treatment of otitis media can last for 10 days, in severe cases, the disease, the treatment may last somewhat longer. We can say that the time of treatment strictly depends on the timely treatment to the doctor.

The treatment of a disease always consists of a set of events. First, the patient should be at absolute rest, it is necessary to prevent complications of the disease. Thereafter, the antibiotics that must combat the causative agent. Treatment with antibiotics is used Solutab, Tsifran. However, antibiotics must be prescribed by a doctor after examination of the patient.

You can still to go to the doctor immediately to prevent further development of otitis media, tothe first shot in the ear need to buy a drop Sofradeks – for adults, Drops for the child, and prokapat them according to the instructions, which have medications. When severe pain the recommended painkillers, and even after the seizure passes, you need to go to the doctor.

Otitis externa involves the treatment therapy, used a hot compress and must be carried out rinsing the ear canal. When abscess formation, the need to carry out surgery, and open the abscess.

When the detected otitis media, primary treatment is antibiotics and tools that are designed to reduce the temperature. With the accumulation and the discharge of pus is recommended to make a small incision of the ear to speed up the withdrawal of pus. When severe pain during otitis media need to take painkillers for an adult, it can be Coldrex, and for a child Nurofen. These drugs are almost instantly relieve underlying pain. Importantly, at high temperature, while otitis media, do not use hot compress, the body is so overheated.

Prevention of otitis media

First and foremost, to prevent otitis media can restoring, improving the immune system, tempering the body. In the hardening of respiratory diseases are avoided and the child and adult, and an ear infection just develops on the background of respiratory diseases.

Always helps in the prevention of large fluid intake. In addition, you must ensure that the premises are respected to a certain temperature and humidity. It is scientifically proven that a person needs a fresh atmosphere in rooms. For the withdrawal of mucus from the nose of the child, you can use a special bag, such devices are sold in every pharmacy.

During the otitis, so that the situation does not worsen, you need to keep your ears warm, and close them with a cotton swab. It is also necessary to prevent contact with the ear and the passages of the water while swimming or taking a shower.

How to treat ear infection folk remedies

At home you can, if not cure otitis media, along with medicines to improve the position of the ear.

First thing at home you can use a simple hot compress. Before that, you just need to lubricate the skin around the auricle cream or vaseline. To compress the required alcohol and water, which is heated to body temperature. A compress applied from a simple gauze.

A compress is placed around the ear needremain open. Pack may be on-ear for about two hours, more time makes no sense to keep it.

If there was a purulent otitis used rubbing swab, smeared in the propolis and alcohol. You can still use interesting recipe in vegetable oil and garlic. Garlic chokes to a pulp, poured oil and infused in a closed container under sunlight for 10 days. After which the entire mass is filtered and it is added to the glycerin. The resulting mixture few drops instilled in the ear. The oil is necessary before the procedure is slightly warm.

In the following recipe you can use garlic, which is pre-baked on an open fire, and then a little cool down, and placed in the inflamed ear. The procedure can be performed 4 times a day until complete recovery. Also garlic is effective for the treatment of plantar warts and other viral diseases.

You can use the old method of warming the ear with a rock. This is taken with ordinary stone, and even better, brick, heated, wrapped in a towel and applied to the affected ear for two hours. While it is good to drink tea with honey, raspberry or lime, all causes profuse sweating.

Attention! If the ear contains pus ear in no event it is impossible to warm up. Otherwise purulent fluid can get into the brain through dilated from the heat of blood vessels, thereby provoking a very serious problem.

The following method of treatment for otitis media in the home is based on the use of alcohol. In a sore ear poured a few drops of 70% alcohol solution, and the patient should lie on side for 5-10 minutes.

For the treatment of otitis media you can use a decoction of Burnet. Take two tablespoons of the root of the herb, they poured 400 grams of water and boil on water bath for half an hour. After you will need to insist 15 minutes, drain everything, and drink 4 tablespoons per day.

Very good to use during otitis media of different packs based on herbs, and at home you can use the root of the tormentil, wild thyme, oak, and so on. Two tablespoons of mixture of herbs and bark are wrapped in cloth and placed in a Cup of boiling water for 5 minutes, then squeezed out, and the gauze soaked in the decoction can be applied to the ear several times a day.