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Gout: symptoms, treatment, pictures and diet

When the joint begins to be deposited urate, starts a condition called gout. From Greek the term gout can be translated as "foot trap". It can be noted that the disease always struck a lot of celebrities, but even if you translate it in the description of the portrait of gout, it is possible to say, that this man fully, sexually active and with a high content in the body of growth hormones.

The main risk of gout, men after 40, however, this disease occurs in women. Gout and kidneys no longer cope with uric acid and are not able to withdraw it from the body in the right amount. As a result, the acid starts to accumulate in the blood. The high content of uric acid leads to bouts of arthritis, in addition, it also leads to the formation of kidney stones, and in particularly severe cases, the beginning of renal failure. Usually, gout is localized and affects the joints of the hands, knees, elbows and toes, the latter remain the most common place gout.

Attacks of gout can be divided into acute and remission periods. At the same time, between the attacks can take place in a few years. However, gradually, the disease more and more seriously affects the body, and the time between attacks decreases gradually, eventually, between bouts of months and even weeks.

For the most part, gout may develop in people with diabetes, genetic predisposition, and hypertension.

The symptoms of gout

The first symptom of the onset of gout is pain that is developing quite rapidly, and reaches the highest feeling just a couple of hours. The more attacks happen at night or early in the morning.

Besides the pain the patient suffering from gout experiencing symptoms such as high fever in the affected joint, it may be in a fever, and the joint swells and swells as shown on the photo, in addition, sharply decreases the mobility of the joint. Pain can last for several hours. It is very important gout treatment to start promptly and not to delay the decision on the beginning of therapy, end up not just increase the number of symptoms and arteritis spread to other joints, plus seriously increases the risk of kidney disease and the entire urogenital system.

Diagnosis of gout

Gout is difficult to diagnose in the sense that it can be difficult to separate from other diseases that affect the joints. Basically, the diagnosis is made on the basis of visualexamination of the problem joint, as well as the results of the blood test. Based on accurate diagnosis is the study of the synovial fluid, which shows the content of uric acid.

The method of extracting joint fluid is fairly common and is performed under local anesthesia. The doctor uses a special syringe to suction of fluid. This procedure gives the most accurate information about the content of uric acid in the joint and on the prevalence of the disease.

In addition, to confirm the diagnosis, doctors use x-rays, with radiology can accurately find tofunny education, which are localized around the joints. This gives you the opportunity to understand how the damaged bone and how far it has spread inflammation.

Treatment of gout

If the diagnosis of gout is the man for the first time, the treatment always involves hospitalization. The patient is placed in a rheumatology Department. In addition to the first diagnosis, with a rather acute manifestation of gout, the person must be hospitalized for outpatient treatment. If there is a period of remission, the finding on inpatient observation is not washed away, enough to undergo routine inspections of the rheumatologist and nephrologist. However, these planned inspections are mandatory and help us to define the beginning of the acute stage, an increased content of uric acid and dissemination of primary inflammation.

Today, modern medicine was unable to provide any medicine that will be both versatile, and could really solve the issue of the treatment of gout. However, it is possible to almost completely control the attacks of illness through diet and healthy lifestyle.

That offers medicine as drugs for the treatment, it can be noted medications anti-inflammatory kind, such as Colchicine, Indomethacin. The complex must be pain relievers and medications that can reduce the production of uric acid. Sometimes treatment may involve taking corticosteroids, which are designed to change the acidity of urine, reducing the risk of formation of kidney stones.


Modern technical equipment of hospitals gives the opportunity to use in the treatment receiving blood purification, which is called plasmatreeview. However, the deposition of salts of uric acid can be removed surgically. However, the most important is the correctiondisease terms of weight and treatment, as gout is never the only problem, and the patient still suffers from either diabetes or atherosclerosis.

And here a very important role is played by the diet that significantly reduces the weight of the patient by serious limitations in the consumption of carbohydrates and foods that are high in calories. This is recommended to increase the intake of food rich in protein, this will help to reduce the level of uric acid in the body. However, about the diet in more detail below.

Diet in disease

First, gout must start to respect the meal and have to set up your day so that meals was 4. It is important to note that it is necessary to exclude as overeating, and starvation, besides, it is impossible to prevent a sharp decline in weight, this may lead to worsening of the disease.

The diet should include lots of fluids and her intake during the day should be 1.5-2 liters, and in periods of exacerbation of the disease need to drink three liters of water. And it may be as sparkling water and various fruit drinks, fruit drinks, tea.

From the diet will have to exclude offal and meat broths, canned fish, fried seafood and eggs. Will have to completely abandon the consumption of legumes and spices. Of course, that is completely off limits for gout any alcohol, coffee and strong tea.

Highest quality diet for gout involves the transition to a vegetarian diet. Vegetable soups, broths. However, you can and need to eat meat, but strictly a diet — chicken, rabbit, Turkey. Allowed the consumption of eggs and chicken. Milk well diluted with water and boil the porridge.

Vegetables can be consumed in any quantity, and almost all types. It is very important to limit the intake of salt.

And on top of that, we can say that always work the diet No. 6, and it is:

  • The exception of foods high in purine;
  • Limiting the intake of salt;
  • More dairy products and fluids;
  • Reduction of fats and proteins;
  • Meat or fish should be just cooked.