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Hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating: causes, symptoms, treatment

Excessive sweating in women as men, never added joy to anyone else affected by this unpleasant ailment. And it manifests at the slightest physical effort or stress, the excitement.

Get rid of sweating is difficult, however, ways do exist. And some of them are in the field of folk medicine.

Let's define what hyperhidrosis, or excessive sweating in men and women. It is a trivial increased sweating, which is caused by many internal and external stimuli. What precisely, let's consider the following causes and symptoms, discuss why the way the body responds by allocating sweat.


Sweat is a fluid that is 97% water. Smell caused by a secretion of the sebaceous glands and what it is stronger, the more problems it can cause.

But excessive sweating of the body is due to irregularities in the sebaceous glands, and acts as a floor on the head and on the skin of the hands and especially the underarms.

The main causes that affect the excessive secretion of sweat glands in the head, hands and underarms are:

  • Problems with the endocrine system. Diabetes mellitus, disorders of the thyroid gland, menopause, all this leads to the fact that there is increased sweating, night and day;
  • Disorders in the nervous system. Parkinson's disease, dystonia, panic attacks, all of them increase the secretion of sweat on the scalp and hands, in the armpits;
  • Infections, including malaria, tuberculosis, AIDS;
  • Heart problems, coronary artery disease, hypertension;
  • Cancer, not as a symptom of cancer in some cases is one of the first signs of the body;
  • Kidney problems can also cause sweating on the scalp, and especially the underarms. Sweat while acrid and persistent, a lot of cosmetics is not able to neutralize his odor;
  • Genetic and hereditary diseases often manifest in the form of sweating of the head and armpits. However, this is not their main symptom;
  • Excessive abuse of alcohol, narcotic substances.

Treatment of excessive sweating

Matter how common it may sound, but the treatment of excessive sweating of head, hands and underarms is always a complex process that requires a systemic, holistic approach to treat the root cause and healing the body as a whole.

Without an explanation, numerous remedies hyperhidrosis of the head and hands, just to reduce symptoms, reduce the smell of sweat, but will not be able to cure sweating.

But most interesting is that even among doctors there is no consensus on which treatment method is most productive forcorrect the problem in the head, hands, armpits. There is no consensus as can be quickly eliminated excessive sweating of the face.

You should always pay attention to hygiene, it often depends on how we smell, look, and fighting causes. Many hygiene type helps to reduce the symptoms and to reverse the symptom of sweating in the form of a strong and unpleasant sweat.

However, as we have already mentioned, they are not able to cure the body, and completely eliminate sweating in the head or hands.

That is the question, how to get rid of excessive sweating, if you use only cosmetic products will remain fully open, and the sweat on the head and arms will continue to cause a lot of inconvenience to the patient.

Of the medications used: iontophoresis, sedatives. Recently started using Botox injections, because even a few shots can get rid of the disease for six months.

At menopause, with excessive sweating are fighting the use of hormonal therapy, but if it is about a pregnant girl, sweating in the position can only be treated hygiene products. Body wiping with a sponge soaked in a decoction of willow bark, ivy, hazel, that is used exclusively natural products for the body.

During pregnancy it is important maintaining the health of the female body, and sweat in the arms and body during this period is not so important. If there are no serious diseases of the body, to the treatment of hands can be done after the child is born.

The greatest problems in the treatment of sweating causes the scalp. Sweating entails the Bath with tea tree oil. Just a few drops of the oil dissolves in the shampoo. Feet to keep in the bathroom for 10-15 minutes. As a rule, an unpleasant, strong smell disappears completely after two weeks of treatments;

Oak bark and dry can solve the problem of foot odor. Crushed to a fine powder, the bark is poured into socks;

Boric acid. Sprinkled with the feet and the space between the toes. Before bed, feet are carefully washed. Practice shows that the odor and sweating disappear completely in a few weeks;

Birch leaves. Proved its worth in the form of bind feet and fingers.

Well with the manifestation of sweating and legs and underarms cope with natural lye soap, based on birch SAP.

However, none of these tools will not work at 100%, unless you change your attitude to life, to stop worrying over nothing and not to fall into stress and depression