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Premenstrual syndrome: symptoms and signs

Premenstrual syndrome in women always has clear symptoms, but also leads to certain changes in the body.

The first thing for PMS in the eye always catches the aggravation of feelings and sensations, for example feelings of hunger or emotional swings. For women, these changes occur is always much more difficult than that of men, and such manifestations can be compared to when pregnancy begins.

These are sometimes quite unusual and illogical desires, and hinted at the imminent approach of the menstrual cycle. Although this does not exclude that PMS can go almost unnoticed.

For some women PMS can be mistaken for pregnancy, however, is a completely different condition that are not even related.

If the month is really soon to be, then all of these situation caused by a (PMS) or premenstrual tension. The state does not mean that this pregnancy, or that PMS should be treated.

Drugs that are offered by doctors for PMS, aims to reduce the weight of his experiences, and also to fixed the temperature, which often appear in women at this time.

This is a very specific state, through which in varying degrees of manifestation is every woman. During this period, you just have to control his unusual impulses, since they will completely disappear with the first day of menstruation.

All of the above, is easily explained by the changing hormonal levels in the blood before menstruation, at that point all signs, and pregnancy in this case, you can eliminate almost immediately.

And if before this period in women's life, some doctors considered from the point of view of psychology, looking for certain patterns in psychological breakdowns, mood swings, now we all know that the reason for the unusual behavior and mood are the hormones or the change in the level of hormones in the blood.

The decline in hormone levels causes the following symptoms:

  • Increase production of aldosterone, causing changes in the whole organism;
  • Increase the level of monoamine oxidase, which contributes to the beginning of the depression, irritability, temperature appears;
  • The decrease in the level of serotonin, the result is a nervous condition and lack of mood. Such swings are often mistaken for pregnancy, but this is an incorrect interpretation.

Despite the difference of mood, premenstrual syndrome and the symptoms always occur in all women alike, and this fact allows to separate the syndrome from the diseases, which is the temperature .

Any changes in your emotional and physical state starts the week beforemenstruation and disappear since their inception.

But if the main symptoms don't disappear during menstruation, then the causes may be really at the level of the psyche and the manifestations should be considered already a psychologist or psychiatrist.

Causes of premenstrual syndrome

First, the difference of reactions to premenstrual syndrome is related to hormone fluctuations. This is an individual point, such as individual reaction of each of the female body.

However, diagnosis allows to identify several reasons:

  • Monthly changes in the level of endorphins;
  • Malnutrition. Many of the symptoms can be caused by a simple lack of vitamin B6 and magnesium;
  • Factors and forms of heredity? Different women have they are manifested in different ways.


Currently there are more than 150 types of premenstrual syndrome, all of these forms we will not describe, however, the most common diagnosis, is an important component in assisting the woman if she premenstrual syndrome is extremely difficult.

It should be noted that each of them can appear in the form of completely new forms and combinations of symptoms and signs, and it significantly affects the diagnosis, making it difficult for her at times.

However, we can identify the main forms of premenstrual syndrome, based on symptoms, the most common in women. Signs and symptoms enable us to define the following forms of PMS:

  1. Neuropsychiatric form of premenstrual syndrome;
  2. Edematous form of PMS syndrome;
  3. Cephalgic form;
  4. Krizova form of premenstrual syndrome.

Now consider these forms separately, that would identify exactly what the symptoms inherent in separate manifestations, both will be diagnosis and what to prescribe drugs.

In the neuropsychiatric form, to the fore the violation of the emotional component, and a nervous condition in women.

It can manifest in hundreds of aspects, such as: sleep disturbance, irritability, turning into aggression. Do not confuse these conditions with the fact that pregnancy starts, it is quite different manifestations.

Often may experience sexual dysfunction, a feeling of panic, fear, paranoid state, sometimes even suicidal thoughts, such as still not a clinic, but the diagnosis considers them as extremely dangerous forms.

Physically these conditions can lead to dizziness, nausea, weakness, and here again may be a suspicion that the pregnancy symptoms are similar, there is a temperature, and the clinic with new symptoms.

Often there is:

  • violation orlack of appetite,
  • a painful condition of the mammary glands,
  • the breast enlarges in size.

The symptoms can be mistaken for pregnancy.

Tipologicheskaya form of premenstrual syndrome provides the symptoms associated with vegetative-vascular system.

Physically woman may feel throbbing headaches very similar to migraine attacks. The pain syndrome often accompanied by nausea and vomiting plus swelling of the eyelids, there is a temperature. The need to take drugs against pain and nausea is a significant. All this is like a pregnancy, sometimes deceptively perceived by young girls.

Approximately every third women in the syndrome of heart palpitation, pain in the chest. It reminds of a heart attack and, despite the fact that it is not, adds nervousness and fear.

In principle, such form of premenstrual syndrome can often occur in women who in the past have met with traumatic brain injuries or been subjected to frequent stress, diagnosis must take this into account, as a consequence of trauma affecting the current state and does premenstrual syndrome is so severe.

Edematous form is always accompanied by fluid retention in the body in General, hence the name. The result of liquid retention is:

  • swellings that appear on the face,
  • extremities,
  • increase Breasts,
  • increased sweating and temperature,
  • Another manifestation can be bloating,
  • violation of urination,
  • constipation,
  • diarrhea, on the background of digestive issues.

In some cases women can take all these symptoms as pregnancy.

Finally, krizova form of premenstrual syndrome characterized by a sharp increase of level of adrenaline and will require drugs and doctors to conduct the treatment of premenstrual syndrome in this form.

As a result of this jump:

  • increases blood pressure,
  • you may experience tachycardia,
  • numbness of the limbs,
  • the feeling of intense fear.
  • fever.

May experience pain in the heart that are not related to the heart muscle.

The reasons that cause in the period before menstruation these symptoms may be stress and fatigue. In any case, this form of premenstrual syndrome the most severe and often requires medical intervention.

How can I reduce the symptoms

First, it's exercise. Regular exercise always reducesymptoms with premenstrual syndrome, and it can be linked to the production of endorphins, resulting in premenstrual syndrome will be easier.

Second, you need a normal sleep for 8-9 hours. Otherwise, increased irritability, and appear strong negative emotions. Which drugs do not will be removed, besides, from lack of sleep may have a fever from fatigue.

Thirdly, it is possible to change the diet, start eating high fiber. Should be completely avoided during the period of the syndrome of cheese, chocolate, coffee.

Fourth, is to pay attention to your health during premenstrual syndrome, in women who often suffer from PMS, reduced level of immunity that can be the cause of the rash Thoroughly all the causes of premenstrual syndrome are not understood, so medical intervention is to reduce the manifestation of core symptoms.

In the psychological manifestations of symptoms, doctors prescribe a sedative, however, to abuse drugs should not be, it may be addictive. Modern drugs, with all its advantages, should be taken only under the supervision of a physician. In some cases, you may need the assistance of a psychologist.

Headaches migraines may require the use of a special therapy that is supposed to deal with the pain. Closest to effective assistance is a non-steroidal drug ibuprofen.

Swelling requires the use of diuretics, which have to be taken several days before menstruation, and these drugs seriously facilitate the passage syndrome.

In extreme cases, reduction in symptoms may require a prescription hormonal drugs.

Prevention of PMS

In principle, to prevent PMS are not possible today. The lack of a clear picture of the origin of this syndrome, lack of reasons, not allow to speak about the elimination of the problem.

Therefore, the main goal of the ability to cope with premenstrual syndrome, reduction of physical and psychological symptoms characters, but not on prevention of the syndrome.