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Staph infection: causes, symptoms, treatment

To staphylococcal infection include not one disease but a group from several problems, each of which is caused by the pathogenic effects of Staphylococcus aureus. The disease is manifested in several ways or forms. It is noted a mild form, which is characterized by inflammation of the skin, a severe form in which it is possible to diagnose sepsis, pneumonia, blood poisoning.

The main feature of staph, which always distinguishes this microbe from the other, is that in the process of life Staphylococcus produced quite specific toxins that they then have an extremely negative impact on the human body.


The source of infection are always sick people and carriers who do not suffer from infection, but the organism is Staphylococcus. He are carriers.

Important! According to the degree of risk of infection in the first place are carriers that have open festering wounds, purulent tonsillitis, pneumonia or conjunctivitis. All these diseases have a rapid spread of Staphylococcus.

Most people, healthy people, on the surface of the skin is necessarily present Staphylococcus aureus. However, he is not yet dangerous, as with normal immunity, staph can cause harm to humans. However, once the immune protection declines, the staph begins to grow and leads to various diseases.

A staph infection is transmitted in the following ways:

  • Airborne. When talking, coughing, sneezing, this is what caused its rapid spread.
  • Household, by contact. Using household items, skin touch, a handshake.
  • Through food.

For the transmission and spread of infection requires specific factors that enhance the effect of the disease. They include:

  • A simple disregard for the rules of personal hygiene. You should regularly wash your hands, changing towels, wash toys, etc.
  • A weakened immune system. When this condition is Staphylococcus aureus penetrates easily and easily develops in the body.
  • Intestinal dysbiosis.
  • Any chronic disease, allergies or that is always the increased risk, diabetes of any type.
  • Viral infection, especially the acute type, for example, rubella or measles.
  • Antibiotics. Frequent and uncontrolled use of antibiotics leads to decrease in immunity.

Symptoms of staph infection

Infection always runs hard and it is characterized by the strongest intoxication, which is caused by toxins. As we have mentioned above, the activity of the Staphylococcus stand outthe toxins of staphylococci and the more, the more there is a toxic attack on the human body.

Common symptoms of staph infection can be described in the following points:

  • Dramatically increases body temperature.
  • There is a weakness in the body, muscles, joints.
  • You may experience decreased appetite.
  • Drowsiness.

Important! All these symptoms are sufficiently erased and can point to any other infectious disease, and their degree of manifestation depends on the form of infection and its complications. In this regard, a definite diagnosis of Staphylococcus on these symptoms is difficult.

Depending on where the infection is localized, it is possible to allocate some specific manifestations.

When inflammation of the skin and subcutaneous tissue can be used to diagnose ulcers and abscesses, boils.

When talking about purulent inflammation of bones and joints, osteomyelitis and arthritis, the pain occurs in the hands and feet, on the site of the lesion can be observed inflammation, redness of the skin. When pressure is applied on the affected by Staphylococcus phase as well pain.

With the defeat of the upper respiratory tract symptoms can be divided into three types:

  1. Treatment

    Any therapy is carried out only after determining the shape of staphylococcal infection and its severity. In General, you can define the following directions in the treatment of:

    • When a localized form of infection in high and moderate degree of S. aureus, treatment can be performed at home.
    • When talking about the generalized form of severe infection, the patient must be hospitalized.

    In the treatment of staph antibiotics are used, boosting the immune system drugs, compulsory treatment of wounds and autopsy boils and ulcers.