Home / Other diseases / Chickenpox in children: treatment, incubation period, symptoms and photos

Chickenpox in children: treatment, incubation period, symptoms and photos

Chickenpox can be attributed to one of the most common diseases that happens in the child. Good windmill can be a person only one time, after which the body produces stable immunity to chickenpox. Immediately it is important to note that it is best to contract the disease in childhood illness in an adult is very hard and sharp.

How is the infection

Chickenpox can be transmitted through the respiratory tract and penetrates through the mucous membranes of the eye. In principle, in the name of the disease laid of the method of transmission – "chickenpox", where it is exactly? Due to the ease of transmission by air, the disease is often spontaneously and may occur in pre-school and school institutions and to acquire the scale of a small, local epidemics.

Once in the children's team appears a carrier of chicken pox, the rest of the children almost immediately become infected. It does not make sense to isolate the child from intrusion, and it is due just to the fact that the danger of chickenpox in adulthood too high and always fraught with severe disease.

On the recommendations of physicians, once infected with chickenpox, the child shall be placed in quarantine, which can last up to 9 days.

The incubation period and symptoms

In the first 7-21 days, chickenpox may not show any symptoms, it is a kind of incubation period, after which it is possible to diagnose the raising of body temperature to 39-40 degrees. The main symptom that superficially defines chickenpox and not give it to be confused with a simple acute respiratory infections, rash, which is shown in the photo. You should also note the symptoms such as nausea and sometimes quite severe headaches in a period of illness.

First pour on the skin pink spots, small diameter, and flat in structure. In the next couple of hours, the number of tumors increases dramatically, and the rash begins to fill with liquid. And squeeze the liquid from the spots is not recommended. The problem is the rash would not be so unpleasant, even though it covers the whole body, if not accompanied by a pronounced severe itching.

Problems disappear, but they immediately formed a new one. This period is the acute manifestation of chickenpox in children and takes place over 4-5 days, then rashes started to go into decline. After the final recovery, at the site of lesions will not have scars or changes in pigmentation of the skin, if there was purulent complications. As we have noted above, after recovery, the body acquires life-long, sustained immunity to chickenpox.

As children in thisage can meet the measles and chicken Pox refers to the disease of viral nature, and on some antibiotics to solve the problem will not work. However the treatment of chickenpox in children with the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics may become a necessity if along with chicken pox on the skin begins to act attached bacterial infection. It is easy to determine if lesions are beginning to suppurate.

The accession of infection can be the consequence of frequent scratching the rash, in which there is mechanical damage to the skin and is a bacterial infection. Therefore, special attention should be paid to measures to prevent combing rashes. Despite the easy, relatively, for chicken pox, you can arrange a baby bed.

As such, special means for treatment of chickenpox in children does not exist, all treatment is to relieve symptoms.

During the period of infection with chicken pox is recommended to reinforce hygiene measures, and not to moisten the rash water. You can make an exception for baths with potassium permanganate, but it is only of short duration. The time with water procedures have not purchased one decisions and recommendations. The fact that Russian doctors are strictly against water procedures and a soul, while the European doctors, on the contrary, recommend mandatory shower, when a patient tormented by chicken pox. Reception of water procedures it is necessary to determine the reaction of the child.

Additionally, when chicken pox, you need to pay attention to the diet, which is always recommended to remove allergens. You can eat dairy and plant foods. Necessarily, the period of the disease, should give the child plenty of fluids, especially true when severe temperature, which can lead to General dehydration and increased itching.

Of medical drugs for treatment of chickenpox in children may require anti-inflammatories, but here it is necessary to exclude aspirin, especially if we are talking about a child under the age of 12. As a rule, are considered to be the ideal antipyretic remedies with paracetamol.

To remove or reduce itching will need an antihistamine. Again, be aware that dosage must be suitable for the child. One of the most common means is "the Pain". If the rash touched the eyes, mouth, genitals, the doctors prescribed "Acyclovir" which is enough to effectively cope with the herpes.

As many have noticed, the chicken pox is characterized by the constant presence of the child's bodythe green spots. This is a consequence of lubrication rash zelenkoj. And, by the way, you need to take this opportunity to destroy the myth about the treatment of chickenpox with green paint! When a parent smeared a rash of diamond solution (see photo), it does not cure the disease, but prevents the penetration of wound infection. Zelenka is an antihistamine means that is can reduce the effect of itching caused by chickenpox.

A consequence of the disease

It can be noted that after the chickenpox on the skin can be scarring, especially if the child scratched them, and recorded the infection. Suppuration, and the complication can lead to unpleasant aesthetic consequences.

The most severe consequences of chickenpox in children – encephalomyelitis, inflammation of the brain, is extremely rare.

However, there is another very dangerous complication, which can be attributed even to a new type of windmill, is a congenital disease that a child catches while in the womb. Woman during pregnancy, infected by chicken pox, sends her and the fetus. Not to expose yourself, and most importantly baby at risk during pregnancy, a woman, a child is not ill with chicken pox, gets a special vaccine.

Note that most easily passes the treatment of chickenpox in children under one year of life, however, and up to 10-12 years chicken pox does not go beyond simple rashes and itching.