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Jaundice: symptoms, treatment and prevention in adults and children

Due to the fact that in the human body increases the content of bilirubin, we can observe the discoloration of the skin in the area of the mucous membrane. This is the main symptoms of jaundice.

Bilirubin can be in two forms:

  • Indirect, is formed after the breakdown of red blood cells;
  • Straight, is a consequence of the accession of glucuronic acid directly to the tissues of the liver.

By itself, jaundice can be classified into three types:

  1. Suprarenal type of jaundice. The reason is the excessively high levels of destruction among the cells. This type manifests itself in all kinds of the viruses, anemia and infections. Often, a precipitating factor can be leukemia and blood transfusion of another group;
  2. The second factor is the problem with the capture of the liver bilirubin. In medicine, this type is called hepatic jaundice. Causes can be infection, complications and side effects from medication. A malignant tumor in the liver, hemochromatosis, liver abscess, mononucleosis;
  3. Obstructive type. The reason is the violation of the outflow of bile, with extrarenal disorders affect the biliary tract. Provoke jaundice cancer of the pancreas, stones in the biliary tract and bladder, and ascending cholangitis.

Found about the jaundice, though it has virtually no relationship to health in the truest sense of the word. For example, changing the pigment of the skin can be caused by excessive consumption of citrus fruits or products with a high content of carotene. Such manifestations are also caused by some drugs, such as Akrikhin.

How is jaundice?

It is important to mention that jaundice is a disease that has hereditary predisposition and is not inherited!

To determine the appearance of jaundice is possible to change the color of the sclera, they become jaundiced. Another symptom is a change in the color of urine, and then begins to turn yellow skin.

If you do not completely know the causes of jaundice, one can ask a very reasonable question as far as this disease is contagious.

Basically, jaundice is contagious only in one case – if the cause of the disease advocates infection in the first place, the Problem of diagnosis and prevention in the fact that often the patient himself does not suspect that it is a carrier and distributor of jaundice. The disease can begin clearly to show even after months.

The incubation period takes a long time, and this period can infect a large number of people.

justify;">It is, based on the data, and in correlation with the fact that jaundice is transmitted by airborne droplets, the quarantine which contains the patient after precise diagnosis, shall be no less than a month and a half.

Treatment of jaundice

The sooner you consult your doctor — the better. There are several ways to treat jaundice, which depend on the causes and symptoms. Usually the doctor prescribes a blood test and evaluating the functions of the liver. In some cases it comes to biopsy and irradiation of the liver, to build the correct scheme of treatment of jaundice. Jaundice of obstructive etiology treated without surgery — endoscopically.

But newborn babies jaundice treatment is carried out with the help of phototherapy. Infant is put under a special lamp for a few days. During this period, the liver Matures and she is able to process bilirubin and counter jaundice. During such treatment the bilirubin is destroyed and excreted from the body. However, there are cases when jaundice in babies can be caused by atresia of the bile passages, ie the lack of flow. In these situations requires urgent surgery in the first weeks of life the newborn.


Prevention of jaundice

Since the disease is transmitted simply from a sick person to a healthy one, and at first the jaundice is very slongo, the question remains: "is there a prevention and precaution?"

First and foremost protective measure in the prevention, this is the most basic personal hygiene. Attention to cleanliness, this is the way of preventive counter jaundice.

Special attention should be paid to the purity of food, fruits and vegetables should be thoroughly washed. Before eating you should always wash your hands, and try to drink only boiled water. These measures are already in half will reduce the rice of receipt of jaundice.

You can enable preventive measures with a simple means of disinfection, which in life to wipe their hands, personal items and public facilities, pens, staplers, pencils.

In addition to domestic forms of prevention, it makes sense to look at medical forms and make a few shots. Science does not stand still, and there are always new vaccinations that protect us from all three types of hepatitis. Moreover, this vaccine can work throughout life.

However, if jaundice still failed to avoid, you need to know that after the treatment the patient receives immune to relapse, and will never be ableill.


Means of prevention, which are used against jaundice, are universal and can protect the body from pathogenic influence of the mass of various infections and viruses. So, carrying out a preventative against jaundice, at the same time we are strengthening the body and immune system!