Home / Fungus / How to treat a yeast fungus in women: causes

How to treat a yeast fungus in women: causes

If a woman has at least once had an infection, which arose from the yeast fungus, they will never confuse these symptoms with anything else. Symptoms such as itching and burning in the vagina rarely in other diseases.

Unfortunately, the yeast fungus is found in women quite often. Some doctors believe that at least 1 time in the life of every woman is faced with the fact that there is an infection caused by yeast.

However, not all women decide this issue, referring to the specialist as it causes noticeable discomfort. However, some of the symptoms of this infection there are other diseases and, therefore, to deal with the diagnosis alone is not worth it. In addition, this infection can be transmitted to man, which leads to what appears

When yeast infection garlic eat inside because it has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Garlic can actually effectively deal with certain diseases.

You need to remember that this does not apply to candidiasis and experimental studies show that eating garlic has no effect on the reproduction of Candida.

Before you begin to use unconventional treatment, you can learn in detail what

However, these symptoms quickly pass. If a yeast infection have a severe form of, for example, she developed the woman for the fifth time during the year, or if she's immunocompromised or have uncontrolled diabetes, then your doctor may prescribe anti-fungal medications with a high level of active substance. A treatment course lasts for 7-14 days. As a Supplement, the doctor may recommend taking oral fluconazole.

To defeat the yeast infection, it is sufficient to take one dose of medication. If a woman is prone to such infections, and they are difficult to treat, fluconazole is administered 1 time per week for a couple of months. Of course, such treatment is prescribed only in extreme and advanced cases.

By the way, is fluconazole for the treatment of nail fungus is also just perfect, since we're talking about protivodiabeticheskih drugs. The fluconazole adverse effects are diarrhoea, stomach pains and headaches, nausea, heartburn, unusual taste in the mouth.

Sometimes there are symptoms that resemble flu symptoms, such as cramps and swelling.