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Fungal erosion of the interdigital spaces

Interdigital erosion, fungal origin, referred to as interdigital fungus can be a symptom of a variety of fungal infections. Most doctors say about Candida intertrigo — interdigital candidiasis, a fungal disease caused by fungal parasites yeast of the genus Candida. These fungi are able to affect the mucous membranes and skin (especially large folds of skin), internal organs. Interdigital fungus, which is manifested by itching, burning and red erosions, the vast majority of cases is the consequence of life of Candida albicans or Candida parapsilosis, rarely other fungi from the same family.

Why between the fingers formed by erosion?

It turns out that familiar vaginal candidiasis (thrush), which affects mainly pregnant women, and candidiasis of the mouth, which is often observed in children first months of life, has a direct relationship with fungal skin lesions in the interdigital region.

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Topical antifungal medications well relieve the symptoms, in no way affecting the causes of the pathological process. For this reason, it is important to understand that the treatment of any fungal infections should be carried out comprehensively. Full getting rid of the fungus is impossible without removing or reducing the influence of external and internal factors that caused the skin change.