Fungus on hands: how to treat, review of tools
Fungus on hands is much rarer than the fungus on the feet or other parts of the body, and therefore paid him not much attention, but in vain.
Cause of fungal infections are fungi-dermatophytes Trichophyton rubrum and Trichophyton mentcigrophytes or yeast Candida.
Fungal diseases affecting one in ten people, often older people, which suggests that the fungus is predisposed to the development of weakened immunity.
In this case the male body, usually infect fungi-dermatophytes, and women as a result of constant interaction with water, the skin on the hands becomes thinner, loses its protective lubrication, is fragile, is solid and is covered with small cracks. It is through these cracks and into the human body the yeast fungus.
Symptoms of infection by fungi dermatophytes
When ingested fungi dermatophytes, they start their breeding in the folds between his fingers. Hand washing with signs of mycosis of the skin wash off with water, so many people don't immediately notice the defeat at the hands of a slight flaking, fine cracks and calluses.
To notice signs of the disease when the fungus moves to the nail plate.
Recognize the appearance of the fungus is possible by the following features:
- On the nail plate, there are numerous white stripes and spots;
- Inside the nail formed yellowish spots and stains;
- On the palms there is a constant itching;
- The skin of the palms is red and hard;
- On the palms of the hands there are numerous corn;
- Your skin is covered with small cracks, especially the areas between the fingers;
- The skin on the hands begins to peel off and covered craterville lesions.
Education can be covered by small bubbles with liquid inside. When getting a bacterial infection in the affected areas of the skin can form erosion, allergic such as rashes. Such symptoms are often observed in children.
With the defeat of the nail plate become yellowish, brownish or grayish in color, sometimes black or greenish. On the nails there is a bulge in the form of grooves and holes. The nail plate loses its transparency, thickens, and begins to stratify and separating, separated from the nail bed.
With the defeat of the skin becomes bluish-red shade with oval formations. The lesion is surrounded by vesicles, scales, crusts and nodules. The manifestation of the disease, reminiscent of psoriasis or Dermatologist prescribes a comprehensive treatment depending on the type of lesion and type of fungus. In the early stages of the disease to get rid of the fungus will help special medical varnishes, ointments, gels, creams and sprays. Effectivemeans is Loceryl lacquer, which after application to the nail plate penetrates the nail layer and affects the fungus. Including this tool creates a protective layer for your nails. The lacquer is applied once a week.
If neglected the disease the fungus is removed from the blood with the help of oral remedies that the doctor prescribes after a thorough examination.
Antifungal drugs from the blood accumulate in the roots of the nails, creating a favorable environment for growing healthy nail. These tools include diflucan, terbinafine and Itraconazole. The first two drugs relieve as from dermatophytes and from Candida yeast. Itraconazole is primarily struggling with dermatophytes.
Scheme and the duration of treatment of the skin on the hands is calculated by the doctor based on index KIETOS. This index takes into account the General condition of the patient, the degree of spread of fungus in the body, the name of the fungus suggests the individual nature of treatment.
Generally, this type of therapy combined with local treatment with an external antifungal drugs. These include therapeutic manicure and innovative laser treatment. In particular, frequently the treatment regimen involves once-a-week drug Diflucan and use a therapeutic varnish Lotseril.
To get rid of skin lesions between the toes apply medicinal powder and creams containing ciclopirox three times a day throughout the week. Before processing, the nail plate should be separated from the layer of dead cells with salicylic ointment. Then apply cream that contains miconazole or ciclopirox.
To relieve inflammation on the skin of hands and nails it is recommended to use the bath with the addition of soda, manganese, or boron. After the nail plate is softened, they are scraped or cut off affected areas and rubbed in with antifungals. To inflammation well suited Zelenka, liquid Castellani, iodine, Ichthyol ointment and corticosteroids.
If the skin of hands and nails began to form moist inflammation because of the activity of yeast-like fungi, for treatment using antibiotics (Tetracycline, erythromycin, Penicillin), and antihistamines (Tavegil, Suprastin, Diazolin). There are plenty of popular recipes from a fungus, for example, on the legs, which can be useful in this treatment.
In the formation of large bubbles they should carefully open and handle with brilliant green or methylene blue. Educated on wound covered with a poultice, the application of boron. Antimycotic external funds are used only after treated acute inflammatoryprocesses.
Preventive measures against the formation of fungus on hands
In order not to cause the formation of fungal diseases, must be carefully in contact with water, working with liquid only with gloves. Avoid injuries on the arms and hands, and in the case of their education should immediately disinfect and bandage the wound. It must be remembered that the fungus most often affects people with diabetes, obesity, vitamin deficiency and poor circulation.
If your feet or the feet of a native fungus, it is necessary to cure fungal diseases and to take all precautionary measures so that the fungus does not spread to other parts of the body.
It is important to follow the right diet, eating yoghurt and sour milk products, as well as pepper, garlic, nuts, grapefruit and propolis, which contribute to reduce the population of fungi in the human body. You should not abuse alcohol as it adversely affects the immune system and weakens the body.