Home / Fungus / How to treat fungus in the mouth in adults and children

How to treat fungus in the mouth in adults and children

Fungus in the mouth – a fairly common phenomenon among children and adults. It is called yeast-like organisms under the name of Candida, hence the name of the disease – candidiasis, or thrush of the mouth. Failure to comply with an adequate level of oral hygiene, the disease may have been intermittent, which causes discomfort, odor and many other symptoms that affect quality of life. Let's see, what to treat the disease and how to prevent its recurrence.

What causes mouth fungus?

Doctors have identified many factors that create the optimal conditions for Candida to successfully bred the mouth:

  • a weakened immune system, lack of synthesis of immune cells;
  • pregnancy in a woman's body takes a lot of changes, which adversely affects hormonal, metabolic, etc.;
  • diseases of the adrenal glands, digestive system, autoimmune, tuberculosis, HIV, diabetes;
  • receiving immunosuppressive drugs (corticosteroids, cytostatics);
  • dysbiosis and lack of vitamins;
  • the presence of harmful habits – abuse of alcohol and narcotic substances;
  • radiation therapy;
  • the use of oral contraceptives;
  • the presence in the oral cavity, in the mucous membrane, the micro-perforations;
  • dentures that are poorly fitted.

Also the disease is transmitted between people. Kissing, oral and traditional sex, sharing a Cup, childbirth and much more favour the transmission of the candidiasis.

Symptoms of fungus in the mouth of a child

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First, you need to pay a visit to the doctor, who will determine exactly the cause of thrush in the mouth and will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

According to the standard scheme the doctor will offer to treat signs of anti-fungal drugs — nystatin, clotrimazole (solution), dekumanova ointment. For optimal results you will need a long time to follow the diet and mouth hygiene. Consider in detail the drugs.


    • Clotrimazole

      Clotrimazole, unlike nystatin, used to fight against the fungus locally. It will not only get rid of the Candida and other harmful bacteria.

      As a rule, clotrimazole does not apply in its pure form, but acts as a component of various ointments, sprays and solutions against the fungus. If the drug is included in an ointment, then it needs to smear the affected areas. Clotrimazole with all the components of the decay are eliminated from the body within a week.

      Clotrimazole notuse during the first trimester of pregnancy. Also, it is not recommended for people with allergies to its components. Clotrimazole may reduce and slow down the action of the same nystatin and other means. This component can dissolve rather large plaques, which greatly accelerates the cure. Smear cream and a sprinkling of spray needed, usually several times a day.


      Mouth to avoid fungus, it is necessary to provide appropriate care for the cavity, and dentures (adults). If the treatment of the disease delayed, then the doctor will prescribe nystatin or its analogues. At the end you need to take vitamins of group B, and to use special toothpaste against the fungus.

      Candidiasis in the mouth is pretty easily treatable in the initial stages, when you are not experiencing additional symptoms in the form of deep wounds and lesions of the gums. If the disease came in the esophagus and the lining of internal organs, treatment will take longer time, but against their re-occurrence will be used in a comprehensive way.