Home / Fungus / Traditional medicine will help to cope with the inguinal fungus

Traditional medicine will help to cope with the inguinal fungus

If in the inguinal folds, scrotum, on the inner surfaces of the thighs, in the crease mezhyagodichnoy, in the armpits scaly patches appear pink in color followed by the formation of a ring-shaped red patches with sharply defined borders and clear Central part, so began the development of the inguinal fungus, or Jock itch.

Красная сырая свекла

Raw red beetroot has long been considered a powerful disinfectant. To treat groin fungus its grate and the resulting mass is spread on the bandage, folded in several times. A poultice of beet it is necessary to fix the affected area and wear it whenever possible, constantly renewing the dried portion pack of fresh ground. This treatment will be more effective if at the same time take internally a decoction of cocklebur. To prepare it, it is necessary 1 tablespoon chopped herbs simmer for 10 minutes on small fire in 0,5 l of water. At one time, and there should be three a day, drink a quarter Cup of healing broth.

Treatment with baking soda and salt

    • Treatment of fungus in the groin with iodine

      Treatment with a solution of iodine in the very beginning of the development of fungal diseases, when the groin area is not formed wounds and abscesses. During the week, itchy from fungus the skin and nearby area can be treated with iodine 5%. After this you need to start using antifungal ointments and creams.
      Before you start to be treated with iodine, it must be remembered that this drug may cause an allergic skin reaction.


      Fungus in the groin is a disease that requires a mandatory visit to the doctor on the question of its liquidation. Infection in quite a short period of time can capture other parts of the body such as the genitals and cause a more serious disease. Self-treatment with herbs and other folk remedies often leads to protracted healing process, a variety of side effects and complications. Therefore, about the appropriateness of traditional methods is better to talk to a professional.