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Principles of treatment of fungal diseases

The question of how to cure fungus, is set every tenth inhabitant of our planet: according to statistics, about 10% of the population suffers from various fungal diseases.

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So, how to cure fungus folk remedies?

  1. The soda treatment. Baths with baking soda is useful to do for athlete's foot, genital, candidiasis in women and newborn babies, well they relieve itching in the anus. Soda treat fungus on tonsils and elbows.
  2. Treatment with garlic. This natural antibiotic is commonly used for getting rid of fungal nail infections. The garlic clove is crushed, the resulting slurry was applied to the diseased nail, fix, keep in over night. Treatment with garlic the fungus of the skin is carried out in the same way, holding the compress for 15 minutes. To avoid burning the garlic need to be careful owners of delicate and sensitive skin.
  3. Treatment with salt and soda. In a bowl of cool water dissolve 1 tbsp of salt and the same amount of soda. After 10 minutes, the affected skin washed with warm water.
  4. Treatment with iodine. Alcoholic solution of iodine smeared with diseased nails 3-4 times a day. In cutaneous forms of the fungus with iodine should be handled in the affected skin until the complete disappearance of pathological manifestations.

How to treat a fungus, not written one article and not a book, but only a doctor will be able to competently draw up an individual therapeutic scheme for each patient.