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The effects of fungal infection on human health

The fungus is a contagious disease that can affect not only the nails, and the skin of the feet, between the toes, mucous membranes, internal organs and organs of the urogenital system.

Under normal condition the immune system in the human body is always a certain number of fungal spores, but their number is constantly monitored by the body and not increasing. As soon as our immunity weakens, for example after illness and constant stress — spores of the fungus begin to develop very quickly and spread throughout the body. If time does not begin treatment, the fungal infection can move to the internal organs. In this case, you will need a long and expensive course of treatment.

The effects of the running of nail fungus

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Additionally, spores of the fungus are very strong allergen and the long-term presence in the human body is able to provoke the emergence of serious allergic reactions that can manifest as bronchial asthma, urticaria, rhinitis.

If you do not deal with the treatment of fungal infections, the organism may appear hypersensitivity to fungal spores and such reactions will arise constantly. Medicine known cases when a running athlete's foot penetrated deeply into the internal organs and through the bloodstream spread throughout the body. The consequences to the patient were very bad.

But the greatest danger to human health is not the fungus, and toxic products, which are constantly highlighted in the result of the activity of bacteria. When the reproduction of the fungus, they accumulate in the human body and can cause poisoning, low immunity, allergies, diseases of the liver, kidneys and other internal organs. As a result of disturbed metabolism and normal functioning of the main systems of the body. The patient is a constant lack of energy, fatigue and low resistance to colds and other seasonal diseases.


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Disregard fungus treatment would have serious consequences for the appearance of the skin and nails, and for the health of the patient as a whole. It is very important for the manifestation of the first symptoms of athlete's foot not to self-medicate and to contact the clinic and pass special tests that will help determine the type of pathogen and its concentration in the body. Next, the doctor will prescribe effective antifungal drugs and the treatment of disease will be muchfaster.