Home / Fungus / How to cure athlete's foot: local and holistic therapies

How to cure athlete's foot: local and holistic therapies

Common household items, tubs, saunas can cause a fungal infection affecting the feet. The disease can cause different types of fungus, but the symptoms will be identical, as well as treatment. Interdigital space are suffering from a fungus in the first place. When peripheral circulatory disorders and reduction of immunity, the probability of disease increases.

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The spray, which contains the antimycotic drug is prescribed for:

  • the absence of the possibility to apply the ointment;
  • the defeat of the foot in the interdigital region;
  • the presence of the ulcerative process;
  • large areas of fungal infection;
  • the prevention of fungal infections;
  • visiting saunas, swimming pools, as a preparation against infectious lesions.

All drugs included in the group of analogues containing one active substance:

  • Lamisil spray is a colourless solution, which is used topically. Terbinafine is the active substance having an effect against the fungus. Local treatment is due to the fact that the drug is almost not absorbed. Daily applied once.
  • Lamital spray preparation with antifungal activity. Treatment by daily application lasts about a week. People with diseases of the liver and kidneys must be consult a doctor.
  • Termix spray – yellowish liquid, cures athlete's foot. Used against fungal infection or for prevention. The treatment will be more effective if pre-skin feet clear from peeling and dry. The presence of Allergy to the drug components is a contraindication to treatment.
  • Spray termikon – antimycotic yellowish in color with odor of alcohol. Acts against invading fungus and has a preventive effect. For violation of drug dosing increases the risk of relapse.

What is the advantage of a spray?

    • Treatment recommendations for medical methods

      In order that the treatment did not last long, you need to install a type of fungus embedded in the skin of the foot. Therapy directed against the specific pathogen of fungal infection, will reduce the risk of toxic liver injury and accelerate the recovery of the patient. Local treatment is best done after taking baths for the feet with a solution of manganese. With the help of baths with the infusion of celandine changes the acidity of the skin and the fungus becomes more vulnerable.


      The quality of treatment will increase significantly if enhance protective mechanisms of the body. You need to deal with stress, poor diet and Smoking.