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Treatment of tinea versicolor in humans at home

Pityriasis versicolor is presented as a disease that is most often caused by fungi of the genus yeast. Ringworm called colored, colored, or scaly.

A fungus genus of yeast is a conditionally-pathogenic microorganisms that are on the skin of each healthy person, but they do not cause him discomfort.

However, under the influence of adverse factors the fungus can begin to proliferate massively, causing the development of lichen.

Such factors may include:

  • hormonal imbalance,
  • excessive sweating,
  • chronic diseases.

In addition, we emphasize that the basis for the development of lichen is always a drop in immunity, it is with this as aktiviziruyutsya all disease processes in the body.

Before prescribe treatment, the doctor prescribes the patient to undergo a comprehensive examination to identify the causes that led to the development of a color Stripping.

When a problem is found, it must be eradicated in the first place, and even after, how did the elimination of the main causes of ringworm is by himself, without the use of drugs.

Conservative treatment

Conservative treatment of lichen is the use of drugs keratolytic action and antimycotic remedies.

Medication keramicheskogo actions contribute to the exfoliation and softening of the upper layer of the epidermis, which affected fungal infection. It is evident from the way under the treatment behaves Mycosoral is contraindicated in pregnant women, and for those people who have individual intolerance ketoconazole.

If the tool is assigned to another outdoor product, it is impossible to take them at the same time, it is better to post in time. For example, you can apply the ointment Mycosoral in the evening, and another tool in the morning.

This use ensures that there will be "withdrawal syndrome" and the reappearance of recurrence of tinea versicolor.


During treatment of tinea versicolor, doctors often prescribe to use the ointment Clotrimazole. Drug on the market in the form of cream, lotion and solution.

The drug has to be used twice a day. If the Clotrimazole is present in the form of an ointment must be rubbed into the spots of colored lichen.

Usually when you use Clotrimazole there are no side effects. If itching or severe pain – you need to stop use and ask a dermatologist to prescribe another drug.

Clotrimazole kills the Vehicle is prohibited to use during lactation, pregnant can use it only in extreme cases, pityriasis versicolor is not one of them.

Rumiko has adverse side effects, and hence many contraindications.It is used strictly according to medical advice.

Herbal medicine and homeopathy

If the patient does not tolerate anti-fungal medications, the decision to treat tinea versicolor with herbal medicine and homeopathy.

Pityriasis versicolor responds to treatment homeopathic capsules Psorinum", which are composed of graphite, a substance that promotes healing of skin damage. The composition also includes goldenrod, it quickly relieves itching and eliminates rashes, the same effect and bromide potassium.

Peeling stops with barberry, it revitalizes the skin. Irritated skin returns to normal due to such drug, as dymjanka.

Capsules "Psorinum" is presented in pharmacies in the form of ointment, in such form pharmacists have added oil of rosemary, milk Thistle, elderberry, violets, lavender, peppermint and several herbs.

Thanks to this rich composition, the ointment "Psorinum" great fights bacteria, providing anti-fungal treatment. Removed itching, irritation, the healing of the skin.

Pityriasis versicolor is treated also medications on the basis of birch tar. You can refer to the ointment Konkova and Vishnevsky ointment. However, when using these medications, you need to remember that they have an unpleasant smell and sometimes stain the skin.

For a comprehensive treatment apply tincture of calendula, propolis and Chelidonium. They wipe the patient's skin at the site spots depriving.

Classical scheme of treatment

Color shingles should be treated, given individual characteristics of each patient. You need to pay attention to the person's age, the presence of other diseases, the nature and peculiarities of depriving, etc., Medicine has accepted the scheme of therapy.

Classical scheme of treatment consists of the following mandatory events:

Places rashes daily rubbed with salicylic alcohol or other drug keratolytic action in the morning and evening;

Used to treat several anti-fungal medicines external action with different stuff in the base. We are talking about the Clotrimazole, Mycotorula and Fungoterbine.

These pharmaceutical remedies need to be applied in turn. So, the first step is treated with one remedy after it is over use another drug. The General course lasts about four weeks.

If the area of the rash is extensive and the disease is in the stage of active development — shows the assignment and use of systemic medications.

When the course of treatment of the person is completed, it is sent for the surrender of the last test. If the cause that triggered colored lichen, is found in three samples carried out with a break of a few weeks man admits get rid of lichen.

Whenunsatisfactory test results, the patient is administered a list of other drugs.

For effective elimination of multi-colored lichen is extremely important that the patient adhere to hygiene. Every day you need to change clothes and take a bath or shower. Clothes can be washed at a maximum temperature in the washing machine, after which it proslejivaetsya the wrong side of a very hot iron.

Bed linen is changed no later than once a week, change of towels every day should be.

During treatment the patient should refrain from wearing synthetic clothes it provokes sweating. This is a factor that increases the risk of relapse.

Allowed to use special deodorants, products contain antifungal agents. Also some time can not use ordinary cosmetic products to the body.

After the course of treatment is completed, the need for prophylactic purposes 2 or 3 times a week use shampoo and shower gel with antifungal supplements. In an example, the tool "Nizoral".

Treatment colored lichen is a long time consuming process that requires patience from the patient and meticulous observance of all recommendations of a dermatologist. Even minor errors and non-compliance with the regulations can delay getting rid of the disease.