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Mycotic eczema – causes, symptoms, treatment

With various fungal diseases people face quite often. They cause many inconveniences, both medical and aesthetic concerns, and treating them takes a lot of time and money. Perhaps the most unpleasant and intractable of them is fungal eczema.

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In addition, the rapid healing of wounds contribute baths with herbal teas – chamomile, succession, etc you can also add a bit of baking soda or a mild antiseptic. However, hope alone folk remedies should not be – any self-treatment still should be under the guidance of an experienced doctor.

During the treatment should also take precautions, including avoiding contact with potential allergens. Patients often appointed a special hypoallergenic diet, eliminating sweets, pastries, eggs, mushrooms, fish, milk, citrus, nuts and some other products. Also you should avoid contact with animals. If the patient has a pet, it is time to move to friends or relatives.


It should be understood that eczema is often chronic in nature, so at any moment can recall its existence. In order to avoid relapses, it is necessary to observe preventive measures:

  • to practice good personal hygiene (wash hands, wear only clean socks, not barefoot in public places, use a personal towel);
  • time to handle disinfectants even the smallest scratches and cuts;
  • do not take antibiotics without a serious reason – this leads to a weakening of the immune system;
  • to avoid stress.

Of course, eczema is a disease which is difficult to remove completely, but to "tame" it is always possible – you just have to be patient and responsible.