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Fungal body: types, causes, treatment

Fungal disease in medicine known as mycoses, in our time has acquired a wide popularity. Every second patient seeking a dermatologist, suffering fungal disease of the skin. Thus, the list of infectious diseases mycoses is ranked second, behind only pustular skin lesions. Fungus on the body is difficult to treat and highly unpleasant symptoms, significantly reducing quality of life.

The types of fungal infections of the body

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Some of them:

  • in summer, the juice of celandine lubricate abnormal skin and nails 4 times a day; for juice miss the fresh plant through a meat grinder and filtered through cheesecloth;
  • make a decoction of celandine (4 tbsp of dried herb to 1.5 l of water) and hold it on the affected area for 5-10 minutes;
  • wipe the skin with tincture of celandine; for its preparation take 250 ml of juice and the same amount of alcohol.

To get rid of the fungus, along with celandine the people use recipes with garlic, vinegar, propolis, soda, coffee, onions, oak bark, horsetail grass and verbena, marigold flowers, ashes and pork fat, etc.


Reviews patients indicate that prolonged and systemic treatment celandine is able to eliminate the symptoms of any fungal disease of the skin.