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Antifungal for feet: what are they?

There are fungal diseases of the feet: a fungal infection of the foot (loss of skin) and onychomycosis (nail infections). You must know that the fungus on the feet can be provoked by different types of pathogen, therefore, before starting therapy it is important to know what type of fungus is causing the problem, and its sensitivity to antifungal drugs. Usually for the feet against fungus apply topical preparations (cream, ointment, spray, gel) and systemic medications (pills).

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The simplest and cheapest is the use of mint and salt. To do this, take the peppermint leaves, then chop the herb and add a little salt. Then mix everything. Ready weight use against fungus and athlete's foot. Superimposed folk remedy on the affected area for one hour. The procedure is repeated until then, until the disease disappears.

The best and effective remedy is a Kalanchoe. Fresh leaf of this plant is attached to the affected area. It can be applied to any areas of the body not only legs but also arms.

The use of lilac is suitable for both men and women. It is necessary to take 10 grams of flowers of lilac. Then pour them a glass of alcohol. Settles the tool in a dry, warm, dark place for two weeks. After this infusion should strain and wipe down the affected areas on the heels, between the toes.

Grass milkweed cope with the disease in a short time. To do this, take one handful of the plant and pour three liters of boiling water. Then cover with a lid and infuse for two hours. While the container must be wrapped in a blanket. The infusion of the feet for half an hour. Legs need a good steam. After the bath the affected skin astrosaurs scissors.


It is possible for the treatment to apply and cocklebur. First, prepare the leaves of the plant. After they need to grind and squeeze the juice from the resulting pulp. Every day juice processed affected fungus region.