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Causes, symptoms and treatment of boils on the head

Boils is a fairly common problem faced by many people. As a rule, if the body jumps up a single boil, to get rid of it with the right approach it is not very difficult. A serious problem can be is that chronic furunculosis. However, in some cases, even a single boil can deliver significant trouble and cause complications. One such case is the boil on the head.

Causes of boil

We know that furuncle is a purulent inflammation of the hair follicle – thus, it can occur anywhere where there is hair. Therefore, the scalp, of course, included in the risk group.

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What to do in order to protect themselves from further occurrence of boils? First, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system with the help of hardening, vitamins and immunomodulators, avoiding harmful habits. Secondly, you need to balance your diet, limiting sweets, pastries, meats and fatty foods. Thirdly, one should always keep themselves clean and use only high quality, reliable, tested cosmetics.