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A cyst in the tooth: treatment of pain in inflammation

The tumor in the upper part of the root of the tooth is called a tooth cyst. The cyst appears as a consequence of infection, which is in the root channels. Cystic neoplasm is a cavity in bone tissue, it has a rounded shape and is lined with the fibrous sheath with pus inside.

The tooth root cyst is called a radicular or periodontal abscess. Cysts, as a rule, constantly increasing its size. The fastest growing of the cyst in the upper jaw, where the bone has a more porous structure.

Symptoms, which appear during the formation of a cyst

Cystic tumor for a very long time may develop without the presence of any symptoms. Sometimes people notice the wordless symptoms, it can be a periodic weak pain when biting on the tooth or pain during pressure on the gums.

For the most part, a cyst on the tooth found quite by accident, as usually happens on radiographs regarding dental treatment other problems are also detected and It is mandatory for the operation in any way.

The operation is performed also when the size of the cyst exceeds in diameter 1 centimeter or cyst causes swelling in the area of the gums and constant intense pain.

Dentists may decide to treat the cyst is not operative, and therapeutic way. This decision is made, if you experience the following symptoms.

  • First, the root canals should not be filled earlier, which eliminates the need to carry out their unsealing.
  • Secondly, the root canals are undertreated, and throughout the length of the channel. If only the tip of the root is not sealed, it is better to solve the problem surgically.

Some of the features of therapeutic treatment of cysts of the tooth

You need to consider that a therapeutic method of treatment of cysts of the tooth will require a lot of time – about three months.

During this period, the patient will need to attend regularly to the dentist for various procedures. Method is the most expensive from a financial point of view. Set the algorithm perform a therapeutic method in the treatment of cysts of the tooth:

  1. Root canal: work with them.

If the root canals had not previously plombirovaniya, the first from the tooth pulp is removed, and then the instrumental work with root channels.

If the root canals had previously plombirovaniya, the dentist carries out actions for the unsealing.

  1. Medicinal treatment of root canals.

The cyst is pus, so after the root canal rasplanirovke or removed pulp – it is necessary many times to wash out the root canal, applying antiseptics.

  • The spread of the medication beyond the apex of the tooth.
  • With the help of special medical instruments directly in the cavity of the cyst over the tip of the tooth root is derived the drug, which has a powerful antiseptic action.

    1. Procedure for temporary filling of root canals with a special paste.

    After the medicinal substance derived for the root apex of the tooth, the root canals should be sealed with a temporary paste, which has an antiseptic action.

    1. Repetition of excretion of drugs beyond the apex of the tooth (item No. 3) and temporary root canal filling (item No. 4).

    The medicinal substance is recommended to be replaced after every certain period of time. So over the next few months for replacement medication you will need to visit a primary care dentist.

    1. Rentgenocontrast.

    Using this diagnostic method, the doctor evaluates the effectiveness of the treatment of cysts of the tooth. If x-ray study shows the decrease in the volume of cystic neoplasms, is evidence of the effectiveness of therapeutic treatment. In this case the dentist decides to move to the next stage of treatment. We are talking about the permanent filling of root canals.

    1. Filling of root canals of the tooth on a regular basis.

    If throughout the treatment process, which takes several months, was a lasting result, that is, the reduction of cysts in size and the root canals should be sealed already for a long time. Filling of root canals, usually performed using gutta-percha.

    1. Install the seals on the crown of the tooth.

    After the final root canal filling and the installation of permanent seal, the patient should visit the dentist for going through the security x-ray. This should be done with a frequency of 1 every few months.

    In the picture we can clearly see dynamics of reducing the size of cystic tumors, and the physician examines the process of bone regeneration. Getting several x-ray images, the doctor carries out their comparative characterization. By the way, will also be useful articles on our website — tooth Cyst treatment how to get rid of?

    If the treatment is suitable to the situation and assigned in a timely manner – the reduction of cysts visible to the naked eye, moreover, clearly visible to the recovery process of bone cross members.

    As you know, the growth of the cyst is directly related to the presence of an infection in root canals. To remove the cyst by a conservative it is very difficult even with strong antiseptics and antibiotics.

    Antibiotics alwaysare only auxiliary means. The only solution is complete removal of infected tissue, the pulp of the tooth. It is necessary to make a careful antiseptic treatment of root canals, filling them to the top of the root.

    Homeopathic remedies, lotions and rinse – practices only in personal peace and gives solely a placebo effect. Another result from this treatment simply cannot be.

    If you apply only these medication – inflammation will progress. Cystic tumor on the root of the tooth often causes no symptoms, and this is its great danger.

    Any doctor has seen enormous cysts of the jaws, which had 5-6 inches in diameter and was completely filled with pus. Very often people turn to the dentist is already on the stage of the disease when the tooth is unsalvageable.