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Warts in children: treatment and removal

Baby warts is quite a common occurrence, because children, because of not yet fully formed immune system are often prone to various viral diseases, which include warts. The causative agent of warts are a few types of HPV (Despite its harmless warts in some cases cause numerous discomfort, often accompanied by pain. For example, warts on feet in children or so-called plantar warts – the most common form at an early age.

Appearing on the feet, warts can change the color from Nude to dark red hues, sometimes noticeable black speck in the center, which is a dried drop of blood. Plantar warts are often confused with calluses, the difference is in the so-called ring, which is visible around necrotic skin tumors. Located at the foot wart in a child can be painful when walking.

The appearance of tumors on the skin of the child in early age is quite rare, usually the warts begin to appear closer to five years and are mainly related to existing chronic skin diseases. The need to treat warts in children is quite low, because they may pass on their own with time.

Their sudden appearance can be followed by sudden disappearance. So if your child is Among the most simple and painless methods allocate the sour cream with salt. After you mix the sour cream and salt, it is necessary to lubricate the affected areas of the skin of the hands of the child.

Recipe for making compress of garlic is quite simple. It is necessary to mix grated on a fine grater garlic with the flour and a small amount of vinegar. The obtained slurry was applied to the wart and seal with adhesive tape (2-3 days). It should fall off by the time you remove the bandage. The ineffectiveness of this procedure should take place again.

Horseradish juice with added salt also can be used as compress (wrap the area), and perhaps the usual rubbing of the composition into the skin.

With the Use of folk remedies can effortlessly withdraw your child has warts, because even children who refuse medication, always ready to play with their parents putting each other compresses. Of course, you need to understand the fact that your child's body is individual and what helped others, may not help him, so the treatment will be completely individualized.

In that situation, when traditional medicine did not have the desired effect or if you do not even have to try it on your child, apply the traditional methods of treatment of children's warts. At an early age childrenparticularly sensitive to pain, so the use of some methods impossible. It is also worth thinking about what the child will begin to dig a recess remaining after removal of warts.

Modern pharmacology can offer you various means of dealing with warts. Among them are ointments and plasters.

The patches are sold in all pharmacies and the disks are impregnated with one part of salicylic acid. Before you stick it on the wart, you need to cut out a disk of the form that you need, and glued the patch on top of the wart. This product is suitable for active kids leading a sedentary life, rarely sitting in one place.

Special ointments will also without pain get rid of warts. You buy them at the pharmacy without a doctor's prescription, but the effectiveness of the ointments is still can be determined only specialist. There are two types: is a 5% ointment, such as ftorafura and ftorurazila and antiviral ointments, which include oxolinic, bednarikova and toprevenue.

These ointments lubricate warts directly, and the first results should not expect the next day. They usually only appear in a couple of weeks. And if within two months the results are not noticeable or there is inflammation of the lubricated portion (the result of an allergic reaction), discontinue the use of this ointment.

Before starting treatment the child should be seen by a specialist (a dermatologist), because only he can diagnose disease and prescribe appropriate treatment, so how wrong his conduct might lead to disastrous consequences.

Applicable radical methods, which are subject to warts is liquid nitrogen (cryotherapy), and carbonic acid, which destroy warts completely, also these methods include various surgical operations to remove. Justification for the use of these methods in children is still questionable, which leads to disputes among experts.

Preventive measures against warts include the following rules:

  • to prevent the child walking without shoes in public places such as gyms, pools, etc.;
  • watch out for the quality of drying the shoes of a child because HPV is actively multiplies in a moist environment;
  • to handle the feet of the child after visiting public places disinfectants that will not allow them to breed infection.

Following these guidelines, each parent can protect your child from warts.

    • Plantarwarts removal with laser
    • How to withdraw warts on the hands of folk remedies
    • Effective methods of removing periungual warts
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