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Wart: what is it and how to treat

Human skin is constantly exposed to risks of lesions of various diseases in their different forms and types. Nature provides a sufficient level of immune protection, but even minor injuries of varying intensity there is a serious possibility of getting viruses in the body. It is noteworthy that these tumors, like warts, that is characterized by a viral etiology. Modern medicine has not too long ago conducted a series of experiments and know the essence of this of this cosmetic defect. So, what is a wart? We in this article will start from the fact that warts occur due to virus.

What causes warts?

The main causative agents of warts include HPV, which can get under the skin after injuries as abrasions and cuts.

If we talk about the timing of the incubation period, for several months the virus may never apply themselves felt, and in some cases, this period may be delayed even for several years. All this is a pretty impressive time a person even suspects that he is actively spreading the disease, as is HIV.

The human papillomavirus can occur at any, even very slight, weakening of the body. This attenuation, it may be stress, nervous exhaustion, colds and infectious. In addition, a sufficiently high risk are pregnant women, who at this time is going through serious restructuring of the body.

The development of warts

At the moment there is quite a lot of ways to get infected with the papilloma:

  • close contact with a carrier of the virus;
  • using other people's personal items (which include clothing, towels, combs);
  • the use of not sterilized manicure implements;
  • blood transfusion.

It should be noted that in addition to direct contamination there are other factors that contribute to disease:

  • the duration and type of contact with a carrier;
  • the degree of virus activity;
  • the presence or absence of damaged skin;
  • predisposition to the disease.

A visual depiction

It warts are the most common cutaneous neoplasms. Their body is due to the fact that actively proliferate the upper layers of the epithelium. Visually, they may resemble small nodules which are not very different in color from the main skin tone.

In some cases they can be grayish or yellowish. The approximate size of warts from 2 millimeters to 1 centimeter in diameter. The degree of projection above the skin surface can directly depend on this cosmetic defect. If to describe the tactile feeling, the slightly rough growths or perhaps, the feeling is not really the norm for each wart.

Warts sometimes mistakenly confused with calluses, especially if the lesion was discovered on the soles of the feet, or with moles. In some cases, tumors are simply unnoticed and quietly grow. You need to know — flat (also called juvenile). They usually occur in children up to the age of about 15 years. Visually they are small and round. Color can be solid or light brown. These growths on the skin practically do not protrude above the surface and appear on the fingers, hands, face and even the neck.

By and large, these papules on the skin which are not delivered to their owner absolutely no discomfort, except for cosmetic or psychological. Warts can not only appear suddenly, so needless to disappear. In about 2 years will not be over what a person has these problems;

— localized strictly to the plantar skin of the feet, between the toes and on their pads. They look somewhat similar to conventional corn. Each of the wart consists of a number of fused papillae, surrounded by the dead skin cells. In the center of the hearth you can see dark red or black dot. It is the place where accumulate is clogged capillaries. The surface of it smooth with no signs of roughness. The natural pattern of the skin in these areas is missing. Information on how to develop senile. They look like a dark plaque of unknown form. They have no standard and clear outlines. These tumors are soft enough, but over time can become covered with crusts. They can reach centimeters in diameter and hit almost any place on the human body. They often occur on the head, hands and feet. It is very important to be attentive to such entities, because they are quite dangerous and can be reborn;

— filiform warts are considered a rare manifestation of human papilloma virus, however, their risk still exists. They can grow up to 3 inches in length and are characterized by a sufficient brittleness. At the site of each detached warts quickly there is a new and this process is never-ending, after deletion may remain pink spot after warts.

In conclusion, I would like to say that not all warts can be harmless. If any new formation on the surface of the skin should immediately consult a dermatologist. With an integrated approach to and treatment, you can expect to fully get rid of warts and prevent their re-appearance on yourskin.