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How to take analysis of the human papillomavirus (HPV)

The human papillomavirus (HPV) — a dangerous infectious disease that affects the body of both men and women. Today, medicine is officially known more than 80 varieties of the virus, some of them have high cancer risk and can lead to the formation of cancerous tumors.

For accurate confirmation of the presence in the body of HPV and its type, you must pass the appropriate tests in specialized laboratories. Experts recommend to pass these tests regularly to both women and men. Timely diagnosis of illness and administration of antiviral drugs for systemic effects is one of the most effective means of cancer prevention.

The types of tests to determine HPV

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During a pelvic examination in women additionally taken a swab from the cervix (PAP test), which allows to detect changes in cells caused by the HPV virus. If the initial examination the virus was discovered, the doctor needs to have a colposcopy is a painless examination of the cervix with a special device, which is able to change the focal length and zoom.

Also, a doctor can prescribe a biopsy of the cervix is histological examination of small particles obtained in the previous stage of inspection and tests.

Analysis of HPV in men is on the same principle. From the surface of the penis and mucous membranes swabs taken, which are sent to the laboratory for further study. To get the full clinical picture may have a blood test. The result is determined by the genotype of the virus infection and it belongs to oncogenic or neochanna type.

Transcript of analysis of HPV specialists based on the results of laboratory tests.

How often should I get tested

    • Summarize

      To test for the human papillomavirus is not difficult and painless. This procedure is of great importance in the confrontation between virus infection and its successful treatment. Timely treatment in medical centers will prevent the development of HPV and to determine the presence of oncogenic types of the virus before the development of cancer. The HPV DNA test can accurately determine the type of pathogen and prescribe the most effective antiviral drugs.

      Many patients disregard the achievements of modern medicine and timely diagnosis of the disease. This leads to the development of complications and further spread of the infection among people. According to unofficial statisticsthe human papillomavirus infected up to 80% of the population, but a lot of it is in "sleep" state.