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Scars after warts: scars from wart removal

Warts are diseases of a benign nature, that appear on the skin as a result of the impact of human papillomavirus. These warts seem small protrusions on the skin light or read more...

Removal of warts on face at home: photos

If a person appeared on the face warts, then this unpleasant fact is not only a very significant cosmetic defect, but also an occasion for the occurrence of complexes. Due to read more...

How to cure warts at home: tools

The appearance of warts on the body always causes discomfort. While an unwanted growths are often ugly, appearing in such prominent places as the face or hands. For this reason, read more...

The treatment of papillomas (warts) folk remedies

Many people are interested in the question of how effectively and quickly cured papilloma, especially considering that the extent of the strength of the remedy is egg white. However before read more...

Treatment of warts folk remedies at home

First, the appearance of warts on feet or hands on the body, most people naively believes that the cause of the tumors is a toad. In reality, neither the toad read more...