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Wart on pubic area: removal of papillomas below the navel, photos

Warts on the pubic area is still designated by the term "intimate", exactly what will take them to specific locations on the human body. These tumors appear only in intimate areas, and one of them is the pubis.

Externally, these warts are similar to the dense, small, and painless seal, which may be slightly elevated above the skin. Color intimate warts are pink, and the size should not exceed two centimeters, although it will be a large tumor.

Warts on the pubic area are characterized by multiple eruption. It is extremely rare for this wart pubic hair appeared in a single form.

Note that according to statistics, half of the population in the pubic area there are warts, that is the degree of prevalence of this neoplasm is very large.

Localization and subjective feelings

Usually these warts do not cause any subjective sensations, especially pain.

However, tumors can sometimes lead to an inflammatory process, which is now able to give pain and bad smell, and given the location of such inflammatory processes is not aesthetic.

Besides the fact that these warts are located directly on skin pubic area they can be found in men on the glans penis, and in women they can cover the labia and even placed in the vagina. In rare cases, the warts of this type can pop up on the cervix.

Terms of age group risk, more often warts on the pubic area appear in patients of both sexes in the period from 20 to 30 years.

Causes of warts

The main reason for the appearance of warts on the pubic area lies in several points:

  • A weak immune system. Warts are caused by certain human papilloma virus, and their appearance on the skin indicates that the immune system just got weak.
  • Promiscuous and frequent change of sexual partner.
  • Disregard for the rules of hygiene.

Important! Immediately dispel the myth that condoms save from Contracting genital warts. In fact, it has no grounds, since the condom does not cover the pubic area, so contact with the infected area in any case.

Unfortunately, we have to acknowledge the fact that these warts are also very difficult to hatch. The healing process can take weeks and months.

We emphasize that it is intimate warts are the most infectious, transmission of PCH (human papillomavirus), just simple contact with the wart. In that case, if the sexual partner has these warts, the risk of infection duringsexual contact is virtually 100%.

Important! Pubic warts pose a serious danger for women, in rare cases, they cause the development of cervical cancer.

Especially warts on pubic area

The problem of the proliferation of warts on the pubic area and on the genitals lies in the fact that it is very thin and delicate layer of skin, the slightest Trauma this cover to spread of warts.

Note that the papilloma virus of this type can some time is not of the body, therefore, there is the possibility of infection through linens or household items, a towel, for example.

In this case again to the fore simple hygiene, especially when it concerns access to the public pools, baths, saunas. In addition, we also note some of the factors that can provoke the spread of this type of warts:

  • Stress, as always, has a negative impact on the body's defense mechanisms.
  • Increased nervousness.
  • Trauma to the skin in the genital area. Here we are talking more about the microcracks.
  • Problems and failures in a hormonal background of an organism.
  • Reduced immunity, and this moment may not be from illness, for example, because of pregnancy in women.
  • In women one of the precipitating factors can be the use of various contraceptive methods from pills to intrauterine devices.

Treatment of warts on the pubic area

Treatment of warts is always represented by a complex approach, that is just removing the growths will not be able to do. Must be integrated and consistent approach to the removal of warts and the restoration of immunity and the overall health of the body.

Women still need to undergo tests to identify high-risk strain as there is a risk that warts on the pubic area can be surgicase wart. The conservative method that can be used when tumors exceed critical limits. Warts completely excised and removed. On the skin, however, will be a scar after this procedure.

After removal of warts is recommended for the course by the feel of the blood and maximize the toxins and viruses from the body. Despite the fact that the cure for human papilloma virus is still not invented, cleansing the blood, coupled with the raising of immunity and mechanical removal warts may permanently exclude a relapse.