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Warts on hands: treatment and effective removal

To be reasonably sure that the hands appeared a skin tag and not another tumor, not as safe as the wart, we need to know the characteristic features of this formation.

It's dense, with a diameter of one centimeter, education, which are almost identical in coloration to the skin surface. They rise above the skin and generally appear in several lesions. However, it is possible to diagnose and single manifestation of warts. So, for them is characteristic:

  • The complete absence of painful sensations;
  • The absence of a characteristic pattern of the epidermis, which is completely restored after removal of tumors;
  • New warts covered with a thin and shiny layer of the skin, and the old turning into the Horny growths;
  • On the wart it is possible to distinguish between the black dots, that's blood clots in the capillaries.

Causes of warts on hands

First and foremost it is a revitalization of the human papilloma virus. The fact that this virus is the most common among all skin diseases, and the carrier is almost everyone on the planet. Today, medicine is aware of the existence of the 120 types of the virus, and everyone is willing to provoke a certain disease. You can specify that in our case, the appearance of warts on the hands, we can talk about the virus of the second and fourth type.

Why are your fingers?

Fingers are the most susceptible to warts, for several reasons, but mainly this is the result of small injuries to the skin and contact with a carrier of warts. It is the fingers of the hands most often come into contact with everyday objects, railings, door handles, that is, with all surfaces that may carry the virus. Also, if the virus was already in the body, its activation may be associated only with the fall of immunity.

How to treat warts

The problem is the choice of treatment method for warts is that it is a unique neoplasm that is completely outside the box can react to the treatment. In some cases, any treatment for warts be useless, and in others, the warts are alone and without effects are gone.

We can in no way influence the process of removing warts because it always strongly depends on internal processes in the tumor. In addition, the removal of warts on hands in any case does not solve the issue with the virus which remains in the human body. And the only really effective way to prevent relapse remainssystematic strengthening of the immune system.


All treatment of tumors can be explained as the destruction of warts, and this can be done either through the influence of medical drugs or through mechanical removal of warts. And you can combine methods, not stopping on any one.

Select several major groups of medicines:

  • Keratolytic;
  • Necrotizing means;
  • Cryotherapy;
  • To enhance immunity and local, topical use.

And now, a little about the drugs:

  • Vartek. The drug, thanks to its components, causes necrosis of the foundations of warts. The drug has contraindications, first and foremost, this applies to children and pregnant women.
  • Solkoderm. The drug would cauterize the tumor, then to the place of warts forms a scab.
  • Verrucate. The drug is already integrated nature, which also cauterizes the wart. Not recommended for use on children under 7 years.
  • System Kriofarma. It is the possibility of freezing the warts at home.
  • Kolomak — a drug designed to melt the wart and to provide antiseptic effects on the treatment site.
  • Plaster sliped, is a keratolytic agent which has a disinfecting effect.

It is important to emphasize that many of these drugs are not recommended to use in case of occurrence of warts in the child, therefore, the choice of means should remain with the doctor.

In order to avoid a relapse after the removal of warts you can use a special antiviral drug for topical treatment. And of course, the complex should be carried out to improve the immune defense. To strengthen immunities are:

  • Vitamin complexes, which contain various combinations of vitamins;
  • Immunomodulators;
  • Unstimulated.

Methods of wart removal

Do not forget that to remove a wart is not meant to finish the treatment. For complete healing, you need to engage your immune system to fight the virus the human papilloma virus.

There are four main ways of removing warts. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. What is the method to get rid of warts is up to the doctor, having examined the damaged wart skin area.

These methods are:

  • The use of laser. In this method, the wartis the effect of evaporation;
  • Method of freezing. It uses liquid nitrogen. Tissue of the wart under the influence of low temperatures completely dies;
  • Surgery. This method of excision when it comes to a large area of rash warts. The operation is performed under local anesthesia and the stitches are cosmetic;
  • Electrocoagulation. A method in which the wart is removed layer by layer under the influence of an electric discharge.