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Flat warts on face treatment, photos, reviews

Flat warts on the face often presents a simple plaques, and tumors, which in appearance can't rise above the surface of the skin. The size of these plaques rarely exceed 5 mm, the maximum diameter of such warts.

From the point of view of color, often can be found warts light brown or pink hue. To the touch these tumors have a smooth surface, which can slightly give Shine.

Note that warts on the face never appear in a single form, and always represented group in bulk, but the surface of such tumors never skin pattern.

From the point of view of subjective sensations, warts do not give any symptoms do not change color, because they have no shtrobirovaniya capillaries in the body warts does not accumulate in the blood. Most doctors tend to view warts as the easiest cosmetic defect.

And since we're talking about the appearance and about the fact that warts spoil the aesthetic perception, let's recall that without the treatment and removal of warts, they can only continue their distribution.

Causes of flat warts on the face

Warts on the face are the result of the most common virus on the planet – the human papillomavirus. Specifically flat warts on the face caused by viruses of papilloma of the first, second and fourth types.

As with all types of human papilloma viruses, the above is very easily transmitted from person to person, just simple contact with the skin, on which there are warts that the virus has moved into a new organism.

Note that these warts often appear in children and older people that says just about not yet fully formed or weakening the immune system. That is why they are often called the two terms, "juvenile warts" or "senile".

The incubation period

After the virus enters the body, it begins the incubation period. In the case of these types of Flat warts can generally not be subject to treatment, as there is a likelihood that they will completely disappear from the skin within two years after its introduction. However, the probability of such outcome is estimated as 50%. And for that, at least, it is necessary that the immunity for this time only strengthened without "kickbacks."

After self-disappearance of warts on the skin leaving no traces of their presence.

We emphasize that to treat and remove flat warts from the skin is not recommended. There are my reasons:

  • First, almost any cure for warts can cause burns. As well as delete will bebe performed on the face, the burns on here especially should be excluded.
  • After the treatments, independent of removing flat warts. The facial skin may be a scar. Aesthetically, it is certainly a failure.
  • After self-removal of warts too great a chance of a fairly quick relapse.

On the other hand, in alternative medicine there are a few interesting recipes that can help VNA first place is criodistruction, that is, the destruction of the wart with the help of exposure to the extreme cold. Here on the surface of the warts to be applied liquid nitrogen. Under the influence of cold the wart turns pale, freezes and within a week completely dries up and falls off. The method is good because it leaves no scars.

  • A pulsed laser, another modern and effective way to eliminate warts on face. When exposed to pulsed laser a wart is a kind of bonding capillaries in the body of the tumor, resulting in disturbed blood circulation in the body warts, and without blood, the tumor will not survive.
  • Drugs retinoids. As controversial as drugs high efficiency, but also a high side effect risk.