Home / Medicines / Boric acid for acne: how to use boric alcohol

Boric acid for acne: how to use boric alcohol

Pimples that appear on the skin or on the body always cause a lot of trouble. They affect not only the appearance, but also on the level of emotional state, often leading to depression or to the development of complexes. Especially hard pimples affect the appearance and perception of this appearance in adolescents.

And drugs that are designed to prevent acne, prevent them, or promptly clean up – a lot, and today we consider such a simple compound like boric acid.

Important! The use of boric acid for acne able to clear the skin quite quickly and efficiently, while you can buy in any branch of pharmacy, that is, it is a kind of example of how should work the drug.

It is separately necessary to tell you that boric acid is incredibly inexpensive means, for example, the average cost of acid at the pharmacy up to 30 rubles – a mere penny, with a high efficiency.

And yet, boric acid is an alternative name boric alcohol, so you can safely buy and it is the same drug.

Indications and action

From the boric acid has its indications, which are the most ordinary problems manifestations on the skin. To those belong:

  • Acne.
  • Acne of any kind and of any degree.
  • Increased fat separation on the face.

With regard to the actions and the success formula of boric acid, all based on the simple principle of deep cleansing of the skin, which leads to such a serious effect recovery.

You can still add that deep cleansing of the skin is not a short-term effect and long-lasting, and most importantly, sustainable. The effect is easily comparable to the fact that acne is just "burned", and then nothing appears.

In addition, boric acid acne leading to excellent disinfecting pores that were clogged skin secret, respectively, is destroyed favorable for the growth and reproduction of bacteria microflora. In these conditions, inflammation can occur.

Boric acid refers to the category of antiseptics to which the skin is not predisposed to addiction, respectively, it can be used without fear for the weakening effect of the drug.

The method of application of boric alcohol

In order for boric acid against acne had the greatest possible effect, it is applied with a cotton pad on the problem areas before bedtime so the active ingredients acid worked all night.

Important! Effects of boric acid can be applied in the morning, but in this case (often referred to in reviews) increases the risk of dehydrationthe skin, which also leads to unpleasant consequences.

Note that the first signs of recovery of the skin become clearly visible after the first week the use of boric acid. As for the duration of the course, you can use the drug until the complete disappearance of all the Method of cleaning is ideal for the age of puberty, when the causes of a rash are the problem of excessive accumulation of fat. However, again recall that according to the reviews for the desired effect of boric acid must be used regularly. Here is an interesting point that is enclosed, with regular use, boric acid is transferred from the category of medication for the treatment of acne, in the category of preventive medicine.

In addition we will add that boric acid without regular use will not work instantly and effectively. In other words, if on the face, for example, jumped a pimple, acid will not be able to instantly remove.

Side effects

Improper use of acids, especially excessive use, and as the effects, the overdose, it is possible to observe a number of side effects (side effects are described based on the feedback from real use):

  • Toxic reaction. Can manifest as nausea, severe peeling. May appear severe headaches. Which disappear after discontinuation of the drug.
  • The dryness of the skin, and on this background of irritation of the epidermis. In this case, it is also recommended to abandon the use of the drug, as the skin is overly sensitive to acid.

Contraindications to the use of boric acid

There are a few contraindications in which you might have to abandon the use of the drug:

  • Individual intolerance to the components of boric acid.
  • Any pathology and dysfunction of the kidneys.
  • Applying boric acid to large areas of the body.

As for the reviews about boric acid, most patients say that it is really caused by increased acne, but after a few days the pimples begin to take place. It can be noted that the vast majority of these reviews are positive, and given the ease of use and the cost of the drug, feel free to put it in a highly effective means to eliminate pimples.