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Celandine psoriasis: recipes ointments and baths

Treatment with celandine psoriasis it is best to start before the acute stage, when the spots have not yet appeared. However, in most cases, the full treatment person thinks when the disease manifested in full force, and the skin is fully justified psoriasis celandine in this case will be delayed reaction.

Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease with relapses. In common psoriasis called scaly ringworm. The disease is inflammatory, it is accompanied by rashes and itching. Psoriasis can be caused by a genetic predisposition.

The juice of celandine and treatment of psoriasis

During acute illness, you can make juice of celandine. In the skin the juice is rubbed for 20 minutes with repeated application in 5 minutes. All you need to do three passes. After the procedure the patient takes a shower.

Under the influence of juice spots begin to itch, as if in contact with nettle. This is a completely normal reaction.

The juice of the plant are harvested during the flowering plants. First, the celandine is washed with water and allowed to dry on a napkin. Then celandine is ground in a blender, squeeze juice and pour into a clean container. To juice longer to 1 liter of fluid is required, add 50 grams of alcohol.

Treatment with celandine juice as efficiently as possible to the appearance of spots. In this case, the person recovers faster, without special pain.

Treatment with the juice of celandine should be carried out taking into account individual peculiarities of the patient. There are many recipes using this plant. They all have positive feedback in the treatment of psoriasis.

The use of celandine and recipes

Create ointment

You need to take 100 grams of grease, two teaspoons of celandine and 15 grams flucinar. The ingredients are mixed and a precipitate 3 days. At the expiration of the specified term, the ointment is ready for use, and, of celandine really get it to Mix one part of celandine, two parts oregano, two parts of hawthorn berries, two parts knotweed, four pieces of chicory, four pieces of Valerian root and two parts of hops.

Preparation: three hundred grams of the mixture poured a bucket of water and brought to a boil. Infuse the mixture for half an hour, then strain and pour into the tub.

Bath should be taken three times a week for six weeks. Too hot a bath is contraindicated.

Treatment with celandine on the Royal technique

  1. Juice of celandine is taken with one drop, every day added one at a time. The liquid must first dissolve in 100 grams of water. The amount of concentrate increases with time up to 20 drops if that much, you can remove 4-5 drops) and carry out the treatment on. Reception is performed with ten-day break, and then it should again start with 1drops. The General course of 3 months.
  2. The reception of the tincture, diluted with water, start with 1 drop of juice per day, every day added another drop, bringing the number to 20 drops. Is the countdown, the dose decreases with time up to 1 drop. After a day of hiatus therapy. The General course of 3 months.


It is impossible to treat psoriasis celandine, if the patient has epilepsy, bronchial asthma or pregnancy. It doesn't matter what occurs psoriasis, it is important to follow the rules of treatment of folk remedies, in this case.

Long-term use of funds often causes intestinal bacterial overgrowth, or degeneration of the mucous bodies. When you receive it is important to adhere to dosage!