Home / Moles / Birthmarks in newborn babies: the appearance of spots in infants

Birthmarks in newborn babies: the appearance of spots in infants

Statistics show that about half of children are born with birthmarks. Interestingly, girls are several times more likely to get a birthmark than boys.

Moreover, in preterm and light-skinned kids of both sexes, a chance to get "mark" as high. As a rule, congenital spots are harmless enough, they you should not be treated, except that in order for aesthetic correction.

Let's try to answer the question of why these spots appear, what are their true causes, and not dangerous?

What is a birthmark?

It is customary to differentiate birthmarks in newborns on vascular and pigmented. In the first case, the skin color changes when the blood vessels change their diameter and come to the surface. The second group of spots appears under the influence of melanin:

  • if many, the stain will be darker than the skin,
  • if a little – on the contrary.

In children often occur capillary hemangiomas, they are called "salmon spots" because of the color. Spots appear on the head and also the nose, forehead, eyelids or upper lip.

When crying birthmarks in newborns blush, if the child is cold or asleep, they pale. The capillaries return to normal upon reaching 3-5 years. Spots on the face disappear, and his head – can under hair throughout life.

The second type of vascular blemishes are a common hemangioma. They represent benign tumors of various shades, shapes and sizes. The color of a hemangioma depends on vessel diameter and depth.

The farther a hemangioma from the upper layers of the skin, the more prominent its color. Hemangiomas tend to increase their size gradually change from the small elevation in expression of tumor.

Ordinary hemangioma in its development passes through three stages. In the first stage ( there from birth to 18 months), hemangiomas are rapidly growing; at the second stage (from 1 to 5 years) the spots become paler and disappear.

Sometimes there is a third stage where the stain goes only to 15 years of a child's life. Signs of recovery are brightening the skin to the hemangioma, as in the photo.

Sometimes ordinary hemangioma causes complications. The most common of them is damage to the spot after the friction of the diaper, the fabric and seams of clothing. The child can comb the spot, if, for example, in the area bitten by the insect. On the inflamed area should not get infected, it will seriously hamper the treatment.

There are also more dangerous causes and consequences of infection, which involve disruption of the functioning of the body which is adjacent hemangioma.

If the hemangioma is located on the eyelids – complications may decrease visual acuity, nose – difficult breathing about his mouth – complicatedmeal. If the stain is near the anus, can cause problems with defecation.

Sometimes birthmarks in newborns who are not lighter, are a negative factor for the development of psychological disorders. The other kids may tease child and shun him. The hemangioma is dangerous but rare complication is spontaneous bleeding from spots. If a complication arose – I need to see a doctor.


Nevus is the most rare, but also the unpleasant appearance of vascular blemishes. We are talking about "wine" or "flaming" newuse. Unlike other spots, nevus may not disappear over time on their own. At birth the child nevi often appear intensely pink, and the size and shape of the spot may be different in each individual case.

Over the years, the intensity of the color becomes more, then the child is 10-12 years spot takes on the character of the tumor. Depending on its location, can cause breathing problems or glaucoma.

To avoid such serious consequences, we need to produce from birth to 2 years. During this period, the nevus is in the stage of spot. Early treatment will be completely effective and will save you from all related hassles.

Moles or nevi are due to the fact that the body of the child is the oscillation level of melanin. According to statistics, the nevi are recorded in 13% of infants.

Congenital melanocytic nevus or Mongolian spot is the most harmless disease that degenerates into a malignant form. The name was chosen, the fact that the causes of benign melanocytic nevi are related to race, he is in all children belonging to the Mongoloid race. So the question, Cryotherapy is a treatment by cold. Why got its name. The method has shown its effectiveness in the treatment of small flat spots. The treatment successfully in the case of the towering formations size up to 3 cm

In the process of the treatment region of skin treated with low-temperature agent, liquid nitrogen. After the session appears uninfected aseptic inflammation, the spot stops or slows down its growth, it does birthmark removal.

After a course of laser treatment of blood vessels, forming a hemangioma grow, and the problem disappears. The laser beam locally acting on the vessels, coming in contact with healthy skin. The kind of laser is selected depending on the depth of the spot, its location and size.

This treatment is proven safe and painless. After it is scarring, but it may cause a little swelling, which quickly goes away. Laser treatment shows resultsthe fourth session, answering the question of why it is so popular. You need a total of 4-8 sessions with a break of one month.