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Treatment lichen folk remedies

A group of diseases of the skin, the main difference which are colored rash with a scaly surface, is combined with the definition of "ringworm". The causative agents of these diseases are quite different, as well as the etiology, and not each of them is contagious. Among non-contagious psoriasis herpes say,

What you need to know at home treatment

Treatment depriving at home does not require large expenditures, there are many quite effective recipes using improvised means.

Treatment of herpes folk remedies individually for each type of the disease because their expression varied. In this article, we'll cover the most effective traditional treatments of lichen, which were already tested in practice.

In cases when ringworm is not leaving long enough for your body come up with the idea to try the plot from the depriving. To read the plot, not necessarily to go to traditional healers, it can be done independently at home. In order to achieve the desired effect, it is necessary to treat this case, and not as entertainment.

We present you some ways how to talk to ringworm:

  • Clearing five cloves of garlic, pound them or skip through chesnokodavilku, then add goat's fat and the milk on a teaspoon, then you need to read three times the Pater noster and melt the mixture in a water bath. Shifting it in a jar, you need to use to talk to her, 9 times repeating the words: herpes, herpes, you are extra. You place in zalisko, where a devil with a scab in the hair, with a scab on his teeth. 3 times Amen. Once you do that, you need to throw at the crossroads a coin over your left shoulder and say "paid."
  • Taking the index finger and thumb a pinch of ash, apply it to the affected area of the skin and say: deprive, not to grow, ringworm, does not grow, ringworm, visikai, under the ash die!

Chatterbox from depriving

Folk remedy lichen became widespread in traditional medicine. So, many dermatologists prescribe to their patients the talker from the lichen, namely, Tindol.

Part of Sindola included zinc oxide, glycerin and a few excipients (starch, alcohol, distilled water and medical talc). The spectrum of action of this solution is aimed at wound healing, disinfection. Also Tindol it has antiallergic activity, which is accompanied by antiseptic and analgesic properties.

The effect of Chingola aimed at fighting parasites and germs affecting our skin. This solution involved in the process of tissue healing of the epithelium, and also dries the skin and has astringent effect.

Applicationthe preparation is carried out with a cotton swab (cotton buds) to 3 times a day. Before you apply the solution, must shake well.

In this preparation there are a number of side effects, the feeling of itching, redness, rash and congestion in blood vessels (hyperemia).

Contraindications to the use of Chingola are:

  • the body's hypersensitivity to substances that are part of the suspension.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding limitations in the use of Cindolo does not exist.

Ringworm treatment with iodine

In the early stages to treat ringworm at home is quite simple, for example, ringworm grease with iodine.

There are several methods how to treat ringworm with iodine. One of the ways is the application of odnoklavishnogo of iodine solution on the affected areas of the skin. The procedure must be repeated in the following sequence: 3 day green soap to carefully handle and then wash the skin with the rash of lichen, then carefully remove the peel on the rash and treat these areas of 10 percent solution of iodine odnoklavishnogo. If necessary, you can repeat this treatment after 5 days.

The following way of dealing smear ringworm with iodine, alternating with green paint. Lubricate the affected area is necessary up to 4 times a day, the last time should be before sleep. Interleaved iodine and brilliant green is used two schemes:

  • On the first day to put on ringworm iodine, brilliant green second, this alternation should continue for 10 days.
  • During the day alternately three times to treat the affected areas with brilliant green and iodine before starting the following procedures must be not less than one hour, it is very important to gently wash the sore spot before you smear it.

The treatment of lichen celandine

    • Traditional treatment lichen is often based on the use of celandine, for example, if your body was struck by psoriasis, celandine is used during bath (200 grams of herb celandine). There is another recipe taking a bath, it uses a collection of herbs (celandine, marjoram, knotweed), roots (chicory, Polemonium caeruleum) and hawthorn fruit. These herbs are added to hard water, and first filled with water and boil for 10 minutes and then, nastoyaschii for half an hour, the decoction is ready to be added to the bath. It is worth remembering that water temperature in the bath in the treatment of psoriasis (psoriasis) should not exceed 25 degrees.

      To improve the efficiency of treatment of psoriasis should take a tincture on the basis of celandine herbs (20%, 10 drops diluted in 30 ml of water) for half an hour before meals at lunch and dinner. Coursethe treatment lasts for months.

      For the treatment of any variety used an ointment, prepared from the juice of celandine and visceral fat (taken in the ratio 1:1), affected areas should be lubricated twice a day for 2-3 months, and it is desirable to carry out this procedure after taking a bath, so your skin was sufficiently steamed and soft.

      Tar from depriving

      The treatment of lichen of the house can be done with birch tar. The use of birch tar is in many skin diseases, and its use is applicable in the official medicine. Among the natural antiseptics it is considered the most effective because the tar not only disinfects the affected area of the skin but also promotes healing. When you use tar updates the tissues of the epidermis (skin rejuvenation). To make a compress on the basis of birch tar, it must first mix with butter in a 1:1 ratio, then RUB into the affected skin and apply in a thick bandage. Due to the fact that this mixture looks and smells unpleasant, it is advisable to do a compress before going to sleep.

      Birch tar is part of ointments Vishnevsky and Wilkinson.

      Modern medicine still can not find the money for complete cure of psoriasis (psoriasis), however, the use of tar in ointments and compresses fairly effectively. In this case, studies have shown that tar is able to stop DNA synthesis in the presence of defects. For the treatment of psoriasis must be mixed purified birch tar with ashes, obtained by burning birch logs (taken in the ratio 3:1) and the resulting mixture was lubricated parts affected by ringworm.

      In the manufacture of compresses from scaly depriving tar mixed with fish oil, put on a piece of gauze and tie it to deprive a compress left on the body for half an hour, repeat for 10 days once a day. If after removing the compress and your skin is red or has become wet, you should apply to the area zinc paste (2 hours after removing the compress).

      Birch tar is used in the composition of the funds with cream and an alcohol based (lotions, ointments, shampoos, creams, Soaps), its concentration is different, but in the treatment of lichen is most often used crude tar with a high concentration, sometimes mixing it with sulfur or salicylic acid.


      Medicinal properties of tar has been proven for a long time, but we must not forget about the carcinogens it contains. Regular use of tar inside can harm the body, so the experts advised to limit his drinking, even in small quantities. When the outeruse also is first to make a trial application on the inner side of the bend of the elbow, as you may experience allergic reactions.

      Before you can use the tar for medicinal purposes, it is mandatory to consult a dermatologist or with your doctor.

      Young parents should know how to treat lichen folk remedies, because children are more susceptible to this disease, due to the fact that the study on the street all to the touch, and can also have contact with homeless animals. Traditional methods are more harmless than antibiotics and other drugs.

      Recipes alternative medicine

      For the treatment of depriving applicable the following recipes of traditional medicine:

      • prepare the infusion of two hundred grams of rubbing alcohol and fifty grams of propolis, to give her a week to brew and then treat the affected skin (often used in

        Preventive measures in the fight against ringworm

        As a preventive measures to prevent recurrence, are usually considered:

        • the rejection of synthetic things, a preference for natural fabrics (avoid sweating);
        • periodic wiping of the skin with a solution of lemon juice with water;
        • Ironing clothes with two sides;
        • avoiding locations with high temperatures (steam bath, prolonged sun exposure, sunburn), stress and heavy physical exertion.