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Lichen planus: treatment, symptoms and pictures

Lichen planus is an infectious disease that is actively propagated on the surface of the skin, affecting the nail plate and localizes in the mucosa (see photo).

In addition to the external manifestations on the skin rashes of red, lichen planus causes severe bouts of itching, but also affects the development of diseases that affect internal organs.

The reasons for denying

Unfortunately, the etymology of lichen planus and failed to identify and clinically confirm. Today there are several major theories that attempt to explain how this disease appears in person:

  • Heredity. Some studies find the relationship between heredity and disease;
  • System disorders of the immune system;
  • Violation of metabolism in the body;
  • Mental disorders, stress, disruption of the Central nervous system;
  • Injury.

However, all of the above only increases the sensitivity of the skin, where sickness thrives, but does not give answers about the reasons for its occurrence.

Symptoms of lichen planus

The first symptom that indicates the beginning of the distribution of lichen planus is a rash on many areas of the body.

Along with the rash bothers the patient pronounced itching that begins to interfere with a normal lifestyle. It is noted that the redness is accompanied by peeling.

The most unpleasant that lichen planus can reach a big enough size. Every rash can grow, increasing in size up to 7-10 cm in diameter!

Lichen planus can put on the mucosa of the tongue, at least, is its most frequent localization on the mucous membranes.

In addition, lichen planus affects the genitals, in women's labia, men — the head of the penis. Rash in intimate places is accompanied by redness and severe itching.

The disease, which is localized in the oral mucosa, not necessarily accompanied by itching, but with him having ulcers, which subsequently evoke the feeling of a strong burning sensation and sometimes pain.

And only in 15% of cases manifestation of lichen planus affects the nail plate, which lose strength, change in color, and break easily.


Lichen planus is not fatal, however, this is not a reason to ignore its appearance on the skin.The problem is that the disease may be complicated by progression to chronic disease, and this constant itching, skin problems and depression.

Recent data showed that in 1% the disease may go into a phase of a malignant tumor, which once again confirms the need for timely diagnosis and treatment.

How to treat the disease?

Correct diagnosis and treatment the Main treatment is always stationary, and if the cause turns out in chronic infection, the treatment must be not only At the beginning of the course of treatment prescribed sedative, motherwort or Valerian. However, a major role in the treatment are antibiotics, which are always selected individually.

In the suppression of the itch used antihistamines and ointments on the basis of zinc, tar and steroids.

You should definitely pay attention to the indicators of the level of sugar in the blood, it will be a kind of signal, if a complication would affect the internal organs.

One of the main conditions for a successful course of therapy are the need of rest. The patient should be kept in a state of psychological relaxation while undergoing treatment. You must choose clothes that will not RUB the skin in places of rash. It is important to prevent water ingress lichen planus. To maintain hygiene suitable wiping damaged skin with a solution of salicyl alcohol.

Offer traditional medicine

Just say that any treatment of folk remedies lichen planus can be only a supporting role, indirect suggestions, but not the main form of therapy! In this case, before starting medication popular recipes need to consult a dermatologist.

Well-proven decoction of succession, which is applied to the affected area several times a day as a compress. The facility is very well helps to remove or reduce the itching.


Preventive measures are similar in many ways with a lot of skin diseases and are reduced to a few basic rules:

  • Eliminates stress;
  • Alcohol and tobacco;
  • Spicy and fatty foods.

And, of course, follows all the rules of personal hygiene!