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Lichen planus in children: treatment of the child

A number of scientific studies have been devoted to the study of lichen planus. However, despite detailed study of the disease, the exact causes of this disease at this stage of time remain unknown. In accordance with the opinion of leading experts on the subject, the disease. The result of the manifestations of lichen planus as a violation of the immune system, we can confirm that recover from this disease people often faced with the manifestation of other autoimmune diseases, like vitiligo, alopecia areata and ulcerative colitis.

Causes of lichen planus

Clinical observations have shown that in some patients new lesions of this disease appear in the field of mechanical damage to the skin, for example, in place of scratches, abrasions or rubbed by clothing or jewelry. Mouth manifestations of lichen planus have been observed due to the permanent traumatic contact of the oral mucosa with "Tartar" or the sharp edges of the teeth. By the way, in medicine, a clinic called the reaction of Cabrera. The disease can occur at any age, although some form of red patchy lichen are more common in people of a specific age category. For example, oral lichen planus in the mouth occurs most often in people aged 50 to 60 years whereas in the skin the disease appears in people belonging to age group of 40-45 years. Recent statistical studies have shown that 0.1% — 4% of the adult population at least once in his life faced with lichen planus. Despite the fact that in children the disease manifests itself very rarely, in recent cases of depriving the younger age groups began to appear more often.

The connection of the red lichen

With stress

In light of the recent clinical studies on large groups of people with symptoms of lichen planus, it was established that the manifestation and exacerbation of disease symptoms is more can be triggered by stress, represented by emotions, negative emotions and fatigue.


Moreover, clinical studies have shown that symptoms of the disease in the oral cavity may be associated with some allergic reactions to synthetic components (for example, mercury) that are included dentures and mixtures for dental fillings. In more rare cases patients may develop allergic reactions to artificial flavors, observed the abundant presence in the composition of modern toothpastes. It is worth noting that at the slightest hint of the manifestation of the lesions of lichen planus in the mouth it is recommended to immediately consult the doctorallergist. Only qualified in this field specialist will be able to reveal the true nature of the disease after conducting a few simple tests on skin allergies. The detection based on depriving from allergic reactions, the doctor will advise you how to eliminate irritants from objects of daily use. Statistics show that some people replace toothpaste or denture contributes to the complete or partial disappearance of the symptoms of lichen in oral cavity.


In some cases, the appearance of foci of disease in the mouth can occur as a result of taking anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving medication (for example, the common aspirin, diclofenac, ibuprofen, and many others), beta-blockers, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, sulfonylurea derivatives, and also some medicines against malaria. In case of appearance of mouth lesions red lichen after taking such medications are advised to inform their doctor, dermatologist and primary care physician who referred you for these medications.

Contagious lichen planus?

Lichen planus is considered a non-communicable disease in contrast to the more "popular" varieties of this disease, and therefore can not be transmitted from the sick to another person. On the other hand it should be noted that the majority of people with symptoms of lichen planus additionally suffer from viral hepatitis C, which, in turn, is a dangerous disease for a long time without manifesting any symptoms. In this case, if the relatives or the people close to someone you know will appear in the lesions of lichen planus, must be tested for the presence of hepatitis C. If infection doctors can prescribe the right medications, which will allow either to completely eliminate disease from the body, or significantly slow its progression. Useful information about how and nails. Moreover, the scalp manifestation of lichen will be presented dark red seals, covered with dry scales and will vary severe itching. In case of incorrectly chosen treatment will be the probability of hair loss. With the spread of the disease on the nails, they will be covered with grooves and receive the deformed shape. Moreover the nails will change the thickness and color (usually the nails become brown). Similar symptoms without testing can be very similar to symptoms of fungal nail diseases.

Clinic lichen planus

It should be noted immediately that incase of planus on the skin disease may persist without any external changes for 6 to 24 months and then pass. In some cases after recovery ringworm can occur all over again. When the manifestation disease in the mouth it lasts for at least five years, although in some cases the healing process may be delayed for longer periods of time. Throughout this period, shingles can be represented chronic form, and from time to time to calm down and become inflamed. Often the correct diagnosis by a dermatologist it will be enough only to view the affected areas of skin condition and surrounding region. To confirm diagnosis can be assigned to the procedure a skin biopsy. In the case of manifestations of lichen in the esophagus or the nasal cavity may be assigned to additional study), and performing EGD. If, in addition to the symptoms of the underlying disease, the patient observed more side effects, which can be expressed as abdominal pain, white spots and prolonged diarrhea, the cause of which he was not known, in this case, can be further scheduled tests to exclude autoimmune diseases associated with shingles.

General treatment in lichen planus

The treatment of this disease depends on the severity of the disease and their location on the body of the patient. Symptoms red lichen observed on the skin usually go away on their own. With the aim of reducing the duration of the disease and decrease the activity of itching, the doctor may recommend to treat special ointments based on corticosteroids. As a rule, such products should be applied to affected areas two to three times a day. Such drugs are the most optimal tool for the effective treatment of cutaneous manifestations of lichen planus. In case of failure or intolerance of drugs based on corticosteroids in some cases, doctors may prescribe a special ointment on the basis of tacrolimus and pimecrolimus. For the treatment of lichen planus hypertrophic forms, the doctor may prescribe corticosteroid hormones as injections (for example, drugs based on triamcinolone acetonide) which should be done directly to the affected skin. While in the most extreme cases the treatment can be used acitretin. In cases of the most severe forms of the disease requires the use of tablets on the basis of corticosteroids, for example, drug Prednisolone for 1 – 1.5 months or holdingtreatments phototherapy a few times a week.

Treatment of red lichen in your mouth

If the symptoms of lichen planus in the oral cavity do not cause the patient any concern, it is not necessary in their treatment. However, if outbreaks of the disease became painful indentations that prevent the normal process of eating food, be sure to contact the doctor to prescribing the right medication. As a rule, in this case, physicians recommend to apply corticosteroid hormones or use procedure laser burning foci of disease. Some experts recommend taking drugs that contain such a component as pimecrolimus (elidel), although to date no sufficient data that could prove the true value and effectiveness of such drugs for the treatment of lichen planus. As mentioned earlier, outbreaks of the disease in the mouth can occur due to permanent damage of the mucous membrane of the mouth sharp tooth edges, tooth decay or inflammation due to a rare allergic reaction to certain components of dental fillings or dentures. For this reason, before starting treatment of the disease in the mouth area with the use of appropriate drugs, it is mandatory to go to the dentist to remove Tartar or smoothing any sharp edges on the teeth, as well as to consult on the materials used earlier in the treatment.

Treatment of lichen planus on the scalp and on the nails

In case of lichen planus on the scalp should be required to consult a doctor in order to determine the most appropriate treatment because the wrong treatment can contribute to the development of the disease and irreversible hair loss. It is important to define exactly what it is not strigoii kind of disease, and this should know what it looks like ringworm in children. As a rule, in the treatment of lesions of the disease on the head or on the nails representatives of medicine recommended to use special ointments or injections on the basis of the corticosteroids directly into the focal region of lichen planus. In the case of severe forms of the disease doctors can also assign the administration of corticosteroid hormones in pill form.

Treatment of pruritus

To reduce itching recommended as a routine procedure applied to the foci of the special cream or ointment that will soften and properly moisturize the skin. If within a few days of use will not be a noticeable effect from using creams, you will need to consult with your doctorabout changing medicines.