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What is herpes zoster: prevention in humans

Shingles – an extremely serious disease that is caused by activation of viral infection. The virus attacks the nervous system and that this fact is due to the severe pain syndrome that is present during disease.

The most susceptible to shingles individuals who have previously had chickenpox, and people in old age.

The main causes of

The causative agent of such diseases as herpes zoster is the herpes virus third type. Moreover, the virus is not always aktiviziruyutsya immediately at risk include:

  • People with weakened immune systems. Very often the virus affects patients in the Oncology, chemotherapy or radiation exposure;
  • Patients on courses of corticosteroids, immunosuppressants;
  • Patients with acquired immunodeficiency;
  • Elderly people who with age there is a decrease in protective functions of the organism.

Symptoms of herpes zoster

Just herpes zoster in medicine is divided into 6 forms and each lends itself to self-classification and has its own symptoms:

  • Ganglion;
  • Eye and ear;
  • Necrotic;
  • With the defeat of the autonomic ganglia;
  • Meningoencephalitic;
  • Common.

Ganglion remains the most common form of herpes zoster. The first symptoms are manifested in raising body temperature and General weakness. In the field of rash there is a strong and sharp pain. The skin is first coated pink spots, which over time are converted into vesicles with turbid contents. Localization of lesions is often associated with chest and back and has a skirted appearance.

Few weeks growths disappear from the surface of the skin, and in their place are dark spots. This pain can be just unbearable, and aggravated by motion, touch to the skin. Pain can occur for months.

Eye a form of herpes zoster refers to a particularly severe manifestation of the virus, which affected not only the trigeminal node, but also the mucosa of the eyes, nose, eyeball. When the shape of the ear rash may be on the ear and in the ear canal.

With necrotic form of herpes zoster can be observed symptoms such as deep tissue of the skin, further deadening. On the site of lesion scars.

Rarely in practice is found in case of infection meningo-encephalic form. Unfortunately,the percentage of death when the odds exceed 60%. If the form begins with symptoms as normal shingles, then after a month it gets into the brain, then the disease is complicated. Often, patients are hallucinations, they have disturbed coordination of movements, they are in a coma.

Common symptoms for all forms of herpes zoster include urinary retention, constipation or diarrhea. Sometimes shingles acts as a signal of early HIV infection, at the same time developing a common form of the disease, which is characterized by multiple eruption.

What are the complications of shingles dangerous?

If herpes affects the motor nerves, the patient may fall into a state of paralysis, internal organs can be exposed to hepatitis, pneumonia, and problems with the gastrointestinal system.

Ear form of herpes zoster can also cause paralysis, only the facial nerve, causing the patient's face warps. Bacterial infection, attached to Jock itch, can cause suppuration in the region of the rash.

From the point of view of predicting disease, you can give positive data, with the exception of the complications associated with the penetration of the virus into the area of the brain. After the treatment, the relapse cases are extremely rare, and only in a very weakened body.

How to treat shingles

After the accurate diagnosis, treatment begins. The first action in the treatment of herpes zoster are pain relief and the leveling of intoxication, and prevention of the further spread of the virus.

Treatment always includes pain medications, vitamin complexes and antiviral agents. The skin in places of rash is subjected to local treatment. Antibiotics your doctor may prescribe, unless, together with ringworm is attached bacterial infection.

It is important to know that the treatment many of the drugs can have side-effects and complications, so treatment should be under medical supervision of a dermatologist. In the treatment of herpes zoster is strictly prohibited to take a bath and take water treatments.

Prevention of herpes zoster

Since the main factor that transfers the virus from latent to active is the fall of immunity, the main prevention measures related to supporting the immune system. Recommended physical exercises, hardening, proper food and frequent walks. All this leads to increasing resistance of the organism.

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