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Plain white lichen. What you need to know and how to treat

Many of us are faced with this disease, as zoster, and know that it is not only infectious disease, but remember that it is contagious. Most people believe that ringworm is one disease, there are actually a group of diseases of the skin, which combines the definition of a lichen.

The term "ringworm" is found not only in medical practice but also in the nation, only there is a difference depending on the application. For example, using the definition of "deprive" among the people, talking implies a disorder of human skin that is transmitted in most cases through sick Pets. Basically, under this category There is another variety of fungi that cause lesions of the skin ringworm.

It geophilidae mushrooms, contamination in this case occurs through contact with the ground. The immune system of most people is in a state where it is strong enough to fight off infections and why the immune system after a rather serious fight wins, not allowing to deprive further development. There are factors that reduce the protective function of the human immune system. These include:

  • children's age;
  • severe case of hypothermia;
  • prolonged and painful state of the body;
  • long duration of stress fatigue;
  • HIV-infected.

After getting fungus on the skin of the man begins his intense multiplication. It feeds on the fungus at the expense of substance (keratin) that is contained in the stratum corneum of human skin. The body's response to the activity of the fungus is different, that is why there are many manifestations of lichen, in addition to the symptoms affects the species of fungus.
The appearance of the skin lichen is not always associated with active vital functions of the fungus, the pathogens may be viruses, as in the case of herpes zoster and

What you need to know about the white lichen

One of the varieties of lichen lichen is white, which also has the definition of "simple lichen, it should not be confused with the definition of "simple (bubble) versicolor". The course of this disease is still not fully understood, so the order of occurrence of the symptoms, diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment is always in question. Due to the stereotypes many people hear the diagnosis of "ringworm", start to panic, thinking that there is only one species of lichen (

Who is most affected by the disease?

Not only cause of the appearance of a white lichen can not correctly determine also changes the membership of simple depriving any group of disease. Initially it was compared withstafilodermia skin (erased form), and now the manifestation of this disease compared with atopic dermatitis.

Numbers percentage of the number of people affected with white ringworm, especially low, only about 10 percent of the population struggles with this disease. There is a group of people who are often prone to white deprive. It includes:

  • patients with atopic (allergic) dermatitis;
  • people predisposed to bronchial asthma, eczema at the genetic level (this situation is an unfavorable background, inherited from generation to generation);
  • patients hay fever;
  • people susceptible to eczema or already having symptoms on their body.

As mentioned earlier, white ringworm is more common in children under the age of 16. That's when it can be called simple chronic ringworm, because it can be on the body of a child from 3 years of age and up to adulthood. In adults, the variety of lichen takes place without causing unnecessary anxiety.

The difference is simple depriving from other species

White (simple) versicolor differs from other varieties of its manifestation, white ringworm of the face and lateral surfaces of the hands and feet is a skin, changing the pigment of the skin to be white (more noticeable in dark-skinned), up to 4 inches in diameter. In some cases there is itching, resulting in their small peeling, but in winter they can become inflamed.

Despite the fact that white shingles quite aggressive in its flow, a trip to the dermatologist it is not necessary to save, because you can expect that it will be on their own, and in fact your body was struck by another skin disease like ringworm white, but more dangerous, for example, atopic dermatitis, pityriasis versicolor, skin mycosis, vitiligo (the disappearance of places of melanin – skin pigment). That is why it is necessary to consult a specialist for accurate diagnosis of the disease.

The specialist will take the scraping from the affected area of the skin and then conduct a study of scales, using potassium hydroxide (procedure microscopy). Also differential diagnostics is carried out with the participation of such diseases as chemical leukoderma, vitiligo, eczema,

Herpes simple treatment

    • Most people don't even wonder what is white ringworm, what to treat or how to get rid of it because the variety is depriving yourself with time. Most people suffer not from a sense of severe itching and spoiled the cosmetic appearance of the body. In this case, it is usually advised to lubricate the affected areas emollient ointment (lanolin ointment), or cream (baby cream).

      Inwinter skin is often dry and therefore it may cause inflammation rashes lichen. In this case, is used for lubrication ointment hormonal in nature, for example, hydrocortisone ointment (1%). During exacerbation of simple lichen in the summer months, you need to try to avoid long exposure to the sun and to undergo treatment in order to get rid of white spots on my skin. It is worth remembering that with self-cure pigmentation of your skin does not tolerate changes, it eventually returns to the same level where they were before, and I think you should know that a simple ringworm is not contagious.

      If after the application of ointments on your skin still left sections with the damaged pigment, it still should be examined by a dermatologist for other skin diseases caused by fungi and viruses. Since white versicolor is a benign disease, the methods of traditional medicine are usually advised not to apply, they are completely irrelevant in this pathology.

      Tips on how to avoid illness

      There are no clear preventive measures that will help you avoid simple lichen, but there are some tips that will help to reduce the risk of developing the disease by eliminating the precipitating factors:

      • Order to avoid injury to the skin. In the case of receiving even minor injuries should be immediately treated with antiseptic and put a band-aid, because it is the microtrauma of the skin become "gates" for the entry of various viruses and fungi.
      • Avoid sharing personal items (combs, hats, towels, extremely dangerous the use of other people's washcloths and sponges) with a person infected by some kind of lichen.
      • Closely monitor the condition of your immune system, keeping it functioning as a deterioration of immunity is often a precipitating factor for illnesses of all kinds. It is necessary to harden the body, to make sure that the diet consisted only of healthy foods, avoid stressful situations and frequent fatigue.
      • Include in the diet of your food products that have antiviral effect. These include onions, garlic, citrus (lemon), beets and carrots. When cooking hot dishes it is necessary to use spices, also have antiviral and antimicrobial action, and the intensity of their impact depends on the saturation of the odor (cilantro, coriander, marjoram).
      • Do not forget about prophylactic treatment with folk remedies, including the administration of decoctions from plants having antimicrobial and antiviral effect (birch leaves, oregano, galangal rhizome, lemon balm,juniper (fruit), chamomile flowers, tansy, grass, chamomile, thyme, kidney poplar (black poplar and eucalyptus leaves)); to prepare the broth should take a teaspoon of any of these herbs and pour the Cup of boiling water, let it steep 15 minutes and drink half a Cup two times a day, repeat the decoction is recommended to 2 times a week.

      In the case if your body still has a rash, you should not delay visiting a specialist, after running a disease, you can seriously harm your body. To get rid initially discovered lesions will help with the iodine solution and ointment antiviral and antifungal in nature, appointed by the dermatologist.