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How to remove redness from acne on face

Apart from the fact that pimples are ruining our appearance, altering its aesthetics, another unpleasant fact is the defects that accompany them, for example, redness after acne, a lot of inflammation on the skin and many others.

Of course, not to spoil the condition and structure of your skin, it is advisable not to resort to

How to remove redness from acne by using folk remedies?

1. Medical paraffin

This tool is sold in almost every pharmacy. To remove redness you need to melt a small amount in a water bath, then apply onto problem areas (with a stick or spatula). Then you need to wait until the wax hardens and only then proceed to its removal. Removing the last remnants of wax from your skin be sure to apply a nourishing cream, which includes vitamins E and A. In that case if you have very sensitive skin and too close to the location of blood vessels, it is recommended to abandon this method.

2. Face mask (cinnamon + honey)

To prepare this mask you will need honey and cinnamon, taken in the ratio of one to one, tea spoon, they need to be mixed thoroughly and apply on the itchy inflamed areas. If you are allergic to honey, try to replace it with clay (white, green), in this case, you need to add water to get the mass density as sour cream. These masks should be done daily for 1-2 weeks.

3. The real stuff

If you are not allergic to the tool, then remove redness after acne with the help of gel which is based on entanglement, it is also possible to prepare the remedy, just mix the powder concoctions with water.

If you need to remove the redness of a pimple quickly and effectively try to lubricate the inflamed area ointment, which has antibiotic, most of these ointments is used to treat ulcers and boils.

4. Alcohol

This tool provides anti-inflammatory action, to its application by spraying alcohol cotton pad and apply it to the inflamed place. You should know that in addition to its primary action, alcohol dries pretty skin that can cause peeling. It is therefore necessary after handling red footage to smear it with a fat cream. To abandon the use of alcohol is in those situations where the place is in need of treatment is around the eyes.

5. Her son

Get rid of the redness of pimples can be using the normal means applicable in the fight against cold, for this you need only to apply to the inflamed place for a few minutes a cotton pad soaked them. This toolhelps reduce the redness of a pimple fast, his speed is a huge plus.

6. Acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin)

This tool can be called miraculous. To prepare the mixture based on it need to grind 3 tablets of aspirin and mix them with a teaspoon of honey, then you can add a small amount of water. The mixture should be applied on the itchy areas and keep up to 25 minutes and after that rinse with water. If you are allergic to honey, try to replace it with lotion. This mask is not worth doing often, since it's aggressive enough, it will be enough once a week.

7. Baby cream

Sometimes in order to remove the redness after acne enough to use baby cream. You need to apply it on the itchy area, and after some time remove the remaining cream with a cotton pad or tissue paper.

The downside is that you need to know

    • Of course, despite the fact that your skin is prone to redness, regularly clearing away dead skin cells will not be canceled, only in this situation, it is not recommended to use scrubs, lotions alcohol-based. In addition, you should refrain from peeling and other cosmetic procedures, which is based on scratching or burning the skin. A gentle cleansing of your skin will make masks out of clay or film masks.

      This paper presents material for the external treatment of acne and getting rid of them, but it is worth remembering that this problem is still not solve by using some masks or herbal decoctions. Don't forget about the problem immediately after application of Foundation or powder, think about it, maybe the cause of pimples on your the wrong diet or lifestyle?

      It is therefore necessary to approach this problem holistically, that is, do not forget that fitness walk, a healthy diet and many other factors can greatly affect the improvement of the condition of your skin.