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What could be the consequences after mole removal

In our time, the presence of moles on the body is normal, in contrast to the 16-17 centuries, when people with large moles were charged in connection with the impure forces. The most intensively

Methods and consequences after removal of moles

  1. Before starting the removal procedure moles (

    What consequences can arise?

    Effects after the procedure, the removal of moles depends not only on the shape or character of moles, but the level of professionalism of the specialist to whom you addressed, in addition to this value on the outcome of treatments provide equipment and tools applicable in the course of its implementation and the reaction of the body of a patient.

    Care after removal of moles is an important component because it affects how much time it will take to heal. Strictly follow the instructions of your physician to care for a wound, you eliminate the possibility of complications after the procedure removal.

    In place of the removed moles, in most cases, a crust of black color, over the two days necessary to carry out the treatment with a solution of manganese alternating with brilliant green solution, as a possible treatment wounds ointments with wound-healing effect, which is composed of antibiotics (the use of these tools must be exactly as prescribed by your doctor).

    It is strictly forbidden to forcibly tear off the crust, because it will lead to the fact that re-opens the wound after removal of moles and will a strong slowing down of the healing process. Week you need to stop taking baths, trips to the baths and pools, that is, to completely eliminate contact with the surface of the brown liquid, you should also avoid using cosmetics that may be applied to the skin only sunscreen creams and lotions, if it is revenge a necessity. These limitations arise from the fact that if the crust will get soggy when she dies prematurely, the wound opens, and it can easily get any bacteria or infection causing the inflammation to happen.

    How long does it take for complete healing?

    Complete healing of the skin after removal of nevus occurs in about 2-3 weeks, but the discomfort at the site of the procedure to remove moles can be observed even within one month. Accordingly, the terms depend on the size of the wound after removal of a mole to the large size of the healing lasts much longer.

    After a week the crust will disappear independently, under it is a pink area of fresh skin, which must be protected from direct sunlight. If you have done the procedure of removing moles in the summer, then for the period of healing is necessary to refuse from the sun and from tanning. If the mole, whichyou removed was on the face or other part of the body that cannot be covered, it needs special care. When going outside need to lubricate this area sunscreen with a protection level not lower than 60, because the new young skin is particularly sensitivity especially to UV rays, if they hit on her possible appearance of resistant dark spots.

    Treating the area with cream and protect it from direct sunlight necessary as long as the color of the area with young skin will not be identical to the rest of the skin. It is not necessary to lose vigilance and in those days when the sun is covered with clouds, even in this time, the ultraviolet radiation reaches 85 percent, but when the sun reflected from sand, snow or water doubles the absorption of your skin ultraviolet radiation, about the Solarium is to say that they are no less harmful than direct sunlight.

    The appearance of scars

      • If after you remove moles on your skin left scarring or scars, and they are not, as in most cases on your own, then you can try to lubricate them with natural cocoa butter, which is sold in pharmacies. Another method is wearing for 2-3 weeks, the silicone adhesive (strictly prescribed by the surgeon) which promotes the resorption of scars. If this tool does not help, and the scar looks too rough on your body, then you can use the services of cosmetic surgery.

        In cases when you have a mole removed them not because it spoils your appearance but because of her eternal injury, you should periodically inspect your body including the remaining moles, closely monitor any changes in their appearance.

        Pass the removed material on histology

        Removing a mole, be sure to leave a little bit of her material, in order to carry out histological examination, it will with absolute certainty say about its nature (benign or malignant) and to verify the diagnosis made by oncodermatology. This study allows us to see if there was removed and healthy tissue along with the mole. In case of alarming signs, for example, rebirth, and other moles, the doctor sends his patient to the Oncology clinic, where it will monitor and, of course, to carry out the necessary treatment.